Voorheesville, NY Poultry picnic 8/27/2011

It rained here a bit when the tents were soming down, then stopped, then again now. We are supposed to get the majority of it tomorrow. DH went to bed, he works for the highway dept and said that if we get 8 inches of rain it will be quite a mess for our smaller town roads. Hills will wash out. Most of the back roads are just tar & stone. We most likely won't have a problem at our house.

I got those 2 from a friend that had ordered a bunch of random pullets from a hatchery and I ended up with them. They were a year old in June I believe. Golden Cuckoo Marans are pretty, hardy and good layers of dark brown eggs. They are good girls too and eat just about anything, I give them my bolted lettuce tops, kitchen scraps, cracked corn and bread occasionally. Good luck with them and have fun!
Pouring like crazy at 7:20. Some strong gusts of wind. I left every body in. I am afraid that if it gets to windy somebody will get carried away.The buckeyes sure are mad!! They are squawking their heads off!! Everybody else doing OK?
It's been raining here for a long time....was up at 5:30 and already had standing water on lawn. I fear that having the coop 8 inches off the ground isn't going to be high enough to keep my chickens feet dry during this storm.

Sun tomorrow. As long as the power holds I'll be fine. If the power goes out, my arm is gonna ache starting the generator every 1/2 hour to pump out the cellar.

Be safe everyone.
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It's been raining here for a long time....was up at 5:30 and already had standing water on lawn. I fear that having the coop 8 inches off the ground isn't going to be high enough to keep my chickens feet dry during this storm.

Sun tomorrow. As long as the power holds I'll be fine. If the power goes out, my arm is gonna ache starting the generator every 1/2 hour to pump out the cellar.

Be safe everyone.

I just remembered the Polish male name I was trying to dig out of my brain. The Polish couple I was thinking of was Zofia and Stanislus(sp?) or Sophia and Stanley
I am leaving all mine in for the moment too - they are NOT liking that.
One of my coops is a growout coop that I rarely have food or water in, so had to add that. My hens from one coop usually run over and lay their eggs in that one instead of in their own fancy nestboxes (grr), so we shall see what happens.
Tree on roof...minor damage, thank god. Can't wait for Ray to get home from Emergency Command Center at 2. I don't like being here alone with these winds. Have to thank God that I still have power and tv...minor distraction. Sump pump is going every 3 - 5 minutes. If power goes out, I will have to start generator that is on the OTHER SIDE of the downed tree. What a minor mess.

Don't know how my chickens are doing....several were crowing earlier, but are silent now. I put in lots of water and food last night. I don't have boot tall enough to wade out to the coop right now. Winter is going to be a real joy.
Ack! Sorry to hear that Cass. I am having my roof reshingled this week and I told DH it would be just my luck that the storm would rip the roof off and I'd have to explain to the insurance company that I 'just happened' to find someone to redo it this week.
We have a LOT of trees around our house that are 'iffy' but so far so good. It's windy here but not outrageously so. I did go out to the coops this morning, everyone is OK. No standing water here (yet).
Ack! Sorry to hear that Cass. I am having my roof reshingled this week and I told DH it would be just my luck that the storm would rip the roof off and I'd have to explain to the insurance company that I 'just happened' to find someone to redo it this week.
We have a LOT of trees around our house that are 'iffy' but so far so good. It's windy here but not outrageously so. I did go out to the coops this morning, everyone is OK. No standing water here (yet).

Called my neighbor to see if her hubby was home if I can't start generator....still have power, but for how long is anybody's guess. They had a tree fall on their CAR that they moved to a "safer spot" than it's usual parking space under the trees. OMG. This is the car that they just got repaired last winter after an accident she and the kids were involved in and will be paid off in 2 months. Now I am not feeling so bad about alittle roof damage. At least I can still get to work and out for groceries. *Note to self: Offer to pick up anything they need after work tomorrow*

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