Voorheesville, NY Poultry picnic 8/27/2011

Since we have the automatic door which very obligingly popped open at 7 AM, the usual suspects have had access to their run. The bigger kids are popping out whenever the rain lets up a bit and pecking furiously, obviously trying to make up for lost time. The six youngest residents are absolutely refusing to leave the warmth of the coop - they're just snuggled down in the bedding chilling out. The two new kids are of course warm and dry in their confinement pen, and are happily poking around in their shavings.

Route 20 is currently impassable due to flooding. The bottom of our road is also flooded out, and is probably washing out as well, since it's a dirt road. Pity it'll most likely have receded by 1 PM tomorrow when I have to be at work in Pittsfield, as I'd appreciate another day off.
It has gotten a little brighter here. Chickens look more like drowned rats than something that can fly. I decided to let them out when the storm was down graded to a tropical storm. Trees have come down that have blocked the road but the town has already removed it. Branches have knocked down my electric fences, but I've gotten the branches off and the fence is back up and running.
It's been raining here for a long time....was up at 5:30 and already had standing water on lawn. I fear that having the coop 8 inches off the ground isn't going to be high enough to keep my chickens feet dry during this storm.

Sun tomorrow. As long as the power holds I'll be fine. If the power goes out, my arm is gonna ache starting the generator every 1/2 hour to pump out the cellar.

Be safe everyone.

I just remembered the Polish male name I was trying to dig out of my brain. The Polish couple I was thinking of was Zofia and Stanislus(sp?) or Sophia and Stanley

I addressed this to Cass but I Should have addressed it to Henicillin on the acquisition of her new polish birds.
Sorry for the confusion!!
No power, but I have internet. What's with that?

Another tree fell across the road taking out all the power lines. Thank God for portable generators to run the sump pump. It barely shuts off water is running in so fast.

I'm gonna close the computer to conserve battery ....will need it for Periodic weather reports.

Everyone stay safe.
Well, my power that never goes out, just came back on after being out all morning.
Lots of water but no standing water on our property, just a puddle here and there. We've been lucky. DH has been out working since early this morning, he said that ALL of the town's culvert pipes are over flowing, many town roads are washed out and that he cannot even come home because all the roads from there to here are closed AND in my out of mind state this maorning, I gave him a bowl of leftover gravy instead of the bowl of leftover pulled pork he was supposed to have for lunch.
Poor guy can't even get to a Stewarts becuse all the roads to Stewarts are closed also. Ugh. Ok, going out to check on my birds, they are locked in the barn and not happy about it.
Just let the rest of my chickens out. Still raining a bit and windy, but they were happy to get out. My leghorns have a nice dry coop but they opted to stand in the muddy run and now look very bedraggled.
But now all out - hopefully there's some nice bugs around!

We didn't lose power except for one two minute spell on generator. Trees so far all up. I did have some water intrusion in one coop when really windy- not sure if there's anything I can do about it since it came through all the copious 'venting' insisted upon by better coop builders than I.

15 eggs so far today too. wee.
...we got home ok...enjoyed meeting nameless faces--but now they have names!! Battened down the hatches, didn't let the birds out this am--Erin--MY birds would have loved the chicken toy--...lol...just kidding--they were all weirded out because of the storm/low barr pressure AND not getting out...Its about 7 pm and I think we are clearing...they will be glad to see sun tomarrow

Thank you Annie--It was great seeing your birds and talking with others, Thank you for hosting.
Love that porcelain color!!

Whoever...Hencillin or fetherz?? posted the pic of the "weird wattled" hen--she is gorgeous--what ever she is--very different...I like different.

Erin mentioned hosting at this end, maybe spring-ish--lots of chicks/eggs--maybe turn it into a chick-swap for spring and have the "stock/picnic part again at the end of the year? something to think about.

Glad everyone fared ok in the storm, and thanks again Annie and all who came/helped and we got to meet!!
Our power came back on for a few hours yesterday then was out all evening and night until noon today. I now find out that the person in charge of the well house that has a generator that we have been paying a bond for, has not been testing it every week like they are supposed to so we had no water since yesterday either. How about that, you just don't feel like doing part of your job so you don't and then others have to deal with the consequences. He lives in a village water district and had water because that person did his job. Hmmmm.... There will be words when I see him. You know my Mandarin ducks I just got this week? They are gone. They got out during the storm and are now flying somewhere. We saw one yesterday in my driveway so I left the pen open hoping it would find it's way back, but no luck yet.

Anyway, I feel for all of those that have had major problems with this rain. In our area there are many with "rivers" going through thier homes, roads so washed out that they cannot leave their home. It has been very hard for many.

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