Vultures stalking my chickens and ducks


9 Years
Nov 4, 2010
I live in an older neighborhood just outside of town where we are allowed to keep fowl. The lots are about 1/3 acre and there are lots of dogs, cats, and even other chickens. I've seen vultures a few blocks over for several weeks, but this morning they were all sitting on my roof and my next door neighbor's roof. I'm not physically able to corral my 7 chickens and 4 ducks (they're actually my husband's pets). As I fed and watered everyone the birds flew a few houses down, but I'm afraid they'll be back. I don't have a flock dog of any sorts, just 5 beagles that have to be kept up since they eat fowl. I kept one beagle out, the leader, since he has been trained not to eat my fowl. But I'm not sure if he would be able to stop a vulture attack. I thought that vultures only ate dead animals but the neighbor behind me just told me that they carry off small things, too.

I have several weapons about me but am really only comfortable with the handguns--plus it's the type of neighborhood where neighbors would call the sheriff if they heard a gunshot--and I know animal control won't do any good.

Is there anything I can do to scare them away or prevent them from coming into my yard besides standing outside all day (not a possibility with three kids to watch)?

Any suggestions appreciated! Thanks!
They have spotted something dead, you may not be able to smell it but they can and they are waiting till it is safe to go in for dinner.

They are not after your birds of course someone is going to come on here and tell you different but i have delt with these birds all my life and not one time have they gone after my live birds but they do alert me when flying over constantly that i have a dead critter or bird somewhere so i can find it before it gets to smelly and my dogs find it.

Thank you, that was my first thought, but the neighbor told me that he's "seen 'em carry off rabbits!" Then later (after I posted here) he changed his story to having seen them "attack a rabbit one time."

So far, I've had no problems, but I have noticed that my rooster is keeping the flock right next to the beagles' kennel, under the overhanging honeysuckle on the neighbor's fence. He's also been crowing a lot more today. There are just so many of them! I counted about 4 dozen.
I agree with zaouse. We have them all around us, especially in deer season. They are natures trashmen. I have never had them bother a live animal.
They sit on my old barn and scout for roadkill or other rotting carcasses. I don't think you have to worry if you are sure they are vultures and not some kind of hawk IMHO
Turkey Vultures almost never attack living animals unless there is a shortage of dead animals (I don't think there will be anytime soon). So I think you are good. :)
I have had turkey vultures around too.I have left some dispatched animals out for them.Neat birds.Never bothers the chickens,but they sure freak them out,because I am sure the hens are thinking it is a predator.Did you know the turkey vultures pee on their legs???? Kills the bacteria they get on their legs from a carcass.
Ive had those black headed buzzards nearly wipe out my chickens. If they are just vultures, your fine. Buzzards, lock them up.

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