WA State. Accidental chicken rescuer

Live in Washington State. Woman of 62 years who came into rescusing chickens by accident. Had an acre of land and someone had a disabled chicken then it was an injured chicken sick so and so forth..it grew lol. I had cancer .. going through some intensive treatments for radiation, chemo and surgeries. Since I lived by myself I could not be out with my flock of 55 as often as I otherwise would have consequently to my flock being vulnerable and was killed off one by one is short order from 55 to 7 in the months. Showing up and chasing off predators everyday keep my flock safe for yes but no more. I am cancer free right now and have started taken in more chickens who are injured and and/or need extra attention. Chickens have taught me a lot about life, perseverance and how they are loveable and tough. I have developed a system where they have play pens free from predators above or on the ground. One of the groups gets to free range when I am home for the day with the next group coming out the next day. Otherwise everyone stays in their play pens with all being shut in at night. Not sure if this is what was needed to introduce myself lol

Welcome! Glad you are well. Losing your chickens must have been tough. Keeping chickens is a massive learning curve which I am learning every day. Aren’t they wonderful!

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