WA State - Standards


11 Years
Mar 5, 2008
Walla Walla
Black Austrolorp
Buff Laced Polish
Silver Laced Polish

If I get one each of the above combination will the Polish hens have trouble getting picked on too badly?

breeders for quality birds of the above in this area...?

I don't keep any of those so I can't help. I do keep: Barred Rocks, Speckled Sussex, Dark Cornish, RIR, Black Jersey Giant, Marans and Black Sex Links. If you ever want hatching eggs or birds, I can set up a pen of them pretty quickly.
I am looking for some Speckled Sussex.
Do you have eggs and or chicks available?

I am waiting on a few broodies to kick in so im not needing eggs just yet.

Chicknut~ Northwestern Washington St~
Sorry I missed this. If and when you are ready for hatching eggs, I can put together a pen of Sussex. My rooster won at the fair last year and is quite handsome. It takes about 5 days to "clean" the hens (i.e. get the other rooster genetics out of them) before I can start hatching eggs.

I can also hatch purebred SS's; but I have no way of sexing them. You'd have to take a straight run and then eat or sell the extra roos. They are very pretty birds and I bet you would get $5-10 each at auction.
I would be interested in a Maran pullet.
Will you be at the Kennewick chick sale this coming Saturday?

I would like to try and hatch some eggs but am just not quite there yet.
can also hatch purebred SS's; but I have no way of sexing them. You'd have to take a straight run and then eat or sell the extra roos.

My broodies are still on strike, guess they want more sun!!!!!

when they fire up i'll shove some turkey eggs under them and give you a holler


Chicknut~ Arlington Washington~

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