waaiiiitttt a minnutteee...do i see...


11 Years
Aug 20, 2008
Colorado...but home is Maine
movement??? I think my candling has revealed MOVING chicks. At least four of them!! moving!! I am sure of it. I could see sort of kicking flinching movements from inside the egg while candling? Should I see that?? or are my eyes messin with me?? Day eleven so far.
Don't think it's your eyes...
Mrs. AK-Bird-Brain :

Are these the silkie eggs?

yeah they are! they're the ones that the thermometer freaked me out with.

Eggs were labled...

Elvis (1 egg) moving
Georgia (3 eggs) moving, cant' tell, can't tell
Emmylou (2 eggs) can't tell, can't tell
Becky (2 eggs) moving, moving

the four can't tell ones I CAN see veining in. I can see a spot that I believe is a chick, but I can't tell if it quit or what.

I put them in the bator on the 27th i believe. I have to check my calendar to be sure.​
I number my eggs and keep track of the candling results there...
if it's growing, ? if I can't tell. If I don't see any changes from one candling to the next, I ? it. Then if the third time there's still no change then I usually pull it. But if I can't tell, and I keep ? the egg, then I just leave it in. Unless it's weeping or stinking, I don't remove it until I'm sure it's bad.

Elvis and Georgia are the white silkies, Becky and Emmylou are dark blues...

Of course, who knows what you'll get, because we don't know who the father is...
I have both Elvis and Emmylou eggs under my hen, and EmmyLou's are harder to candle than anything! Elvis's I can see right into!

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