Wait for eggs or eat the chickens

Hey yall, guess what. Got 5 eggs today!
Hello everybody. Today I had five roosters processed. I am having mixed feelings. I am clearly not against eating my chickens. I cannot have roosters in the suburban neighborhood I inhabit and was unable to successfully rehome them. I felt that processing was my only option , if not my first one. I knew when I took home straight run chicks this outcome was likely. I have not shed tears over this but I am feeling...uneasy. Its strange to put food into my fridge and be able to identify "who" it was yesterday. I have never been able to recall personality traits of dinner ingredients before. I do not feel bad, just strange. Has anyone else every experienced feelings of confusion or uneasiness over this before? Does this sensation ease over time and repetition? I really enjoy having chickens and except that the demise of animals is part of life and the food chain. I just needed to get this all out. I feel a little better already. Thanks.
It's normal to have those feelings - it gets better in time. Maybe you could get sex link chicks or pay extra for pullets next time and sidestep the rooster issues.

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