Waiting....waiting....any day now....

I did open the shells of all 3 eggs, and opened the membrane on the american blue. Apparently I should have just went on with that one, cause it died this morning
There wasn't much blood left in the veins, and like I thought, the membranes were very dry. Both the africans are hanging in there, I'll keep checking on them regularly.

I guess I'm just not meant to have blues, I had 1 goose that was almost a year old, she had just started laying. She got too close to my dad's dog a month ago and the stupid dog killed her
I got 5 eggs from vicki, only 1 started developing, the P.O. really did a number on those poor eggs
Got one all the way to almost hatching and lost it. I might get some yearlings this fall, if I have enough money...we'll see

Keep your fingers crossed for the 2 africans! I'm about to bust them out just so I don't lose them too!
One of the africans has finally hatched, the other one is just sitting there. If it's not out by this evening, I think I'll help it out. The one that is hatched is completely absorbed, so I think this other one should be the same.

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