

In the Brooder
Jul 15, 2021
I am interested in building a Walipini. I live in Montana with a VERY short growing season and crop destroying winds. I'm hoping to extend the season or even grow year round in a buried green house.

Do you have a Walipini? Are you in Zone 3 or 4?
If so, what are some successful attributes of your Walipini?
What would you do differently?
What is your heat source?

I am interested in building a Walipini. I live in Montana with a VERY short growing season and crop destroying winds. I'm hoping to extend the season or even grow year round in a buried green house.

Do you have a Walipini? Are you in Zone 3 or 4?
If so, what are some successful attributes of your Walipini?
What would you do differently?
What is your heat source?

I am interested in building a Walipini. I live in Montana with a VERY short growing season and crop destroying winds. I'm hoping to extend the season or even grow year round in a buried green house.

Do you have a Walipini? Are you in Zone 3 or 4?
If so, what are some successful attributes of your Walipini?
What would you do differently?
What is your heat source?

Regardless of Walpini or regular greenhouse, I really like the idea of using a buried pipeline (below frost level) as the conduit for the ventilation system.

The intake is above ground. The air temperature if sufficient length of pipe is used will be constant year round. It can be used as a heat source during the winter and as a cooling source during the summer.
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Regardless of Walpini or regular greenhouse, I really like the idea pf using a buried pipeline (below frost level) as the conduit for the ventilation system.

The intake is above ground. The air temperature if sufficient length of pipe is used will be constant year round. It can be used as a heat source during the winter and as a cooling source during the summer.
the Nebraskan gentleman here designed a very successful version of this here https://citrusinthesnow.com/

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