Walmart livestock feed

Our Walmart doesn't have chicken feed, but I was kind of surprised at the prices quoted in previous posts! I pay right around $12 for a 50# bag of Southern States layer feed. I don't feed scratch grain because I don't think our hens really need it; they are free-ranging in the yard all day every day and get table scraps regularly for treats. Occasionally I will throw out a handful or two of multi-grain cereal for them (the Bob's Red Mill hot cereal).
In my area 50 lb layer 17% runs around $12.75 but 50 lb scratch is up to $13.75 as is cracked corn.
The problem I have with big box stores carrying feed is that you eventually run the small independently owned stores out of business & the problem with that is that the employess at Walmart and in many cases TSC will not be able to answer your questions on animal health. For me - I patronize the small stores that have knowledgeable people even if I have to pay a little more. I also am afraid that once your choice is limited to only big box stores you will find that their prices jump according to their profit margin since no competition will exist.
I try and find it when i am down south,cause i like the bags!
I have always fed Purina (cat, dog, horse). I have always had healthy animals. I swear by Purina. With my latest dog, I was talked into buying Blue Buffalo - more healthy, gluten-free, blah blah blah. I was mixing it with Purina's Beneful.

Then, I did a taste test. A bowl of Blue Bufflalo beside a bowl of Beneful dog food. The dogs (and cats) tore up the Beneful before touching a bite of the 'better quality' food.

You may reason that junk food is more appealing, but I don't think that is the case. Purina has been in the business a long time of creating nutritious and cost-effective foods for a variety of animals.

I just cannot allow Purina to be bashed. I work with suburbanites that feed their pets all sorts of costly feeds and then proceed to costly vet bills and perscription feeds (followed by a lifetime of vet care).

I wanted to give the local Southern States my business (until I got bad service a few times), so I was buying food there. They swore their cat food was like Purina, but when I fed, my cats just looked at me like...."where is the food? what is THIS $%^&#????" I had to mix it with Purina to get the cats to go near the bowls.

I am 50 years old and have never had a pet that needed vetrinary care (except a couple of horse injuries). My Purina pets all had healthy weights and long, healhty lives.

Hey, I don't feed my kids that expensive, all-natural, gluten-free, super food either. How else would they be toxin-resistant enough to survive?

Did I miss the math? Wal-Mart is selling 40 lb. bags and I am buying 50 lb. bags, so what is the big savings here?
Y'all do realize that Purina pet foods and Purina animal feeds are produced by two entirely different companies right?

Land O' Lakes licenses the name to make animal feed from Purina.
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that doesn't seem much cheaper than Purina. Purina Egg Maker is $12.00 and Scratch is $10.50 plus the feed store doesn't charge tax (don't know how it is in your state though about Agriculture taxes)

I usually buy our feed mill's brand though, because it just seems fresher.

And no our walmart doesn't carry livestock feed, infact they barely carry dog and cat food!

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