Wanna see the BIGGEST egg ever? - Updated!

HOLY COW!!! ...or should I say holy chicken.

Poor tush ):
Nice egg! I'm going to subscribe to this to see what's inside..I'm dying to see pics of the inside.
If you go out and listen closely, you'll find the layer by following the whimpering.

Are you sure there's not an ostrich hiding in your coop somewhere?
What is inside??!!! CRACK IT OPEN!

Poor chickie though. OUCH!
Owww is right. I bet she sang one heck of an egg song when that thing was coming out. We need an update on what was inside.
one of my golden comets laid a 4.6 ounce egg several months ago and i thought that was huge,,but,,wow,that is a monster..if you can,blow out the egg and keep the shell,,as proof because many people don't realize hens are capable of laying eggs of that size,,,give that hen some flowere,and preperation H

Can't wait to see what's in it.

(I'm having sympathy pains...)

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