Want a variety of egg colors


12 Years
Sep 19, 2007
Poolville, TX
Right now we only have BO. Can y'all give me some advice on getting a flock that would give me a variety of egg colors for the spring. I would love to have a rainbow of eggs. Any input is appreciated.
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EEs will give you a nice rainbow: blue, green, pink, tan. They're also a rainbow of feather colors in your flock, too. If you're not planning to show or breed, EEs are a good bargain and you can get them at almost any hatchery.

Great, thanks, Windy.

What are the EE personalities like? Sweet like BO? I know it can differ within the breeds, for example, I have two pullets that sleep on me like a puppy and then one of them bit my ear yesterday.
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EEs are a very good choice if you want an array of colorful eggs. Their personalities are difficult to predict, however, since they are "mutts". I have had good luck with mine, and any extra attention/handling will bring out the best in them.

I have the same goal: a wide variety of egg colors. You may also want to consider a breed that lays a nice, dark brown egg. I have tried Welsummers and Marans. Of those two breeds, I like the Welsummers, simply because their eggs are dark AND speckled. With hatchery quality, I got the most consistent dark coloration from them. My Marans eggs faded as the laying season progressed. Penedesencas also lay a dark egg, but have the reputation of being flighty, and you mentioned "friendliness", so those may not be the best choice.

If you decide on EEs, and use the local feedstore to buy pullet chicks, try to get a a variety of coloration in the chicks themselves. That would ensure a good genetic mix, to give you the best chance of egg-color variety.
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My EE's are wonderful!!!! They are going to start laying soon if you're interested. Go to "Show your EE's" and you can see my roosters, the first one is not going to breed with my girls but the second one will be the father of the babies.
Don't forget welsummers and cuckoo marans lay the dark eggs, some much darker than others and the really good stock lays the very deep chocolate brown eggs.

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