Want to buy Silver Appleyards


10 Years
Apr 30, 2009
Avon Park, Florida
Rosa and I want to buy Silver Appleyard Ducks or eggs. Please let us know if you have any available or know where we can get them.
no kidding! I have one girl that was the only one out of a bad hatch. I want to get her a mate, and I REALLY want it to be a SA, but it is horribly difficult to find them. I would get an order from Holderread, but I can't handle 10. Wonder if anyone would want to split an order???... RainPure, ever head op to NC? I might consider a trip to Fla if you are interrested.
I believe Appleyards are hard to come by in Fl.

I have 14 Appleyard eggs in my bator now, and 6 under broody hen. If I have a really good hatch I may share some with you, if not I will have eggs and ducklings next spring or early summer.
If some of you can wait 'til spring/summer 2011, I plan to have hatching eggs and ducklings for sale. I'm in Southern Maryland though, so for those of you too far away who can't travel, eggs might be your best bet. Keep me in mind.

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