Want to can... a little intimidated!

My mama cooked meat in a pressure caner, the old one with the weights and I saw hers explode, the lid knocked a hole in our kitchen ceiling. I try to stay far away from them.
My advice is to look around and find your nearest 4H or State County Extension office and see if either or both are offering a class or classes in the fine art of canning.

IF they are not then talk with the person who is in charge of the 4H canning projects in your county (yes such a person exist I am in no way pulling your leg).
That's what the fuse is for. So the fuse goes and the canners stay intact! They do still make a mess though! I had one go when I was doing beets! It couldn't decide to give me fits when I was doing greenbeans? Oh no, it wouldn't cooperate that well. Ceiling, wall, cupboards, counters, stove, everything in reach was beat colored!

You will use a water bath or steam canner far more than anything else. I second that you might look on ebay if you decide to can meats or vegetables. However, you will want to get the seal and pressure gauge checked if you buy a used one.

If you are ever in doubt as to the safety or need to know the correct process, call the extension office.

I've used the Ball book for almost everything. The one thing I don't do is take chances. Therefore, I would prefer to use a new canning seal lid rather than wax although wax has worked perfectly well for years. Seals can be bad and produce bad food..that is just my paranoia.

You'll love the fruit. Freezing fruit in a lite syrup is also wonderful. Comes out tasting very fresh. I also love canned tomatoes over frozen ones -- don't know why, just my preference. However, with tomatoes, I've canned tomato juice, whole tomatoes, salsa, and tomato sauce. I also like making and canning sauerkraut. Home canned sauerkraut is nothing like what the stores sell in my opinion -- it is so much better!

Have fun with the canning.

for a more local flavor the local 4H

4-H Clubs/Units

* Alvord Aggies 4-H Club
Location: Norco Library
Meeting Time: 2nd Tuesday 6:30pm
Contact: Heather Bean at ((951) 278-9917


I hope this gets you where you want to go.

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