want to get chicks but worries about the heat...

Roxsam, if I were you, I would look on Craig's list for your area under "Farm and Garden" for sale. You should be able to find a local breeder with no problem. Another option is your local farmer's market. The ones with yard eggs will often have something hatching. Good luck!
Thanks, everyone, for all the advice on different places to get chicks. MPC would work but shipping is $35!! I looked on craigslist and found some chicks ...but I am just so hesitant doing business on that site. Ans I just didn't trust picking a random farm/person to get chickens from. So I called a local feed store and asked them for a recommendation and they gave me a number to call. ..I found chicks hatching this weekend ans the two exact breeds I wanted too! So I should:D have six baby chicks by Monday.
. And now I feel good too that I am supporting local peeps, plus I get to pick out which chicks I want. So excited!
You're going to love them and they'll be just fine in the heat. Shade is very important for you to provide since when they're little and confined they won't be able to move themselves about to find a cooler spot. Yay for supporting local chicken breeders/farmers! I've bought all of mine local since I wasn't about to pay that shipping fee.
for the future: if you're concerned about the heat you can always check out the BYC breed index (link is at the very top of each page, it seems). Beside each breed they tell you which climate(s) it is suitable for.
Though if the chicks are local then chances are that they're good to go for a nice Florida summer
All the best!!! It's so exciting to raise chicks for the first time!
My chickens seem fine with the heat BTW. They stay in their coop voluntarily most of the day which is open fencing on 3 sides and has a dirt floor and my backporch as the roof. I think the cooler dirt helps them. Not to mention there's alot of trees for shade in their run
25 might sound like a lot, but depending on what breed you get it could cost you around $2 per chic and only $8 for S&H, which would give you a total of $60 for everything including vaccination, then you could sell the ones you don't want on craigslist. However, if you go to www.chickensforbackyards.com or similar site, then you'll likely spend around $45 on S&H alone and $5 per chic, so since you want 6 @ $5 each =$30 + $45 s/h = $75!!!!

Just an idea to maybe not let that 25 minimum scare you and think outside the box a little bit.

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