Want to let chicks out but worried

Thank you here is a picture of the girls in our side yard.
This won't win any awards for anything except frugal, but here it is:

side view
the chicken wire doesn't cover the whole pen, cuz that is there to keep the chicks in, and they can't climb that high. However I may have to rethink that since I did find one chick loose this evening.

front view
the thick pvc pipe on the top supports the wire, and sticks our far enough, so two people can easily move the tractor
the door needs some more work... I was going to wire the center in, but now, I think I prefer the wood to give morning shade. It gets hot here in the summer months.

oh, ick. didn't realize I caught the junk in the background.

back view
this end faces the windy side so the chicks don't catch too much wind

the clear plastic box is their solar house - they can run in to get warm if they feel the need. only works when the sun is shining though.
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Is that a raccoon taco?
Sorry, I would be scared to death having my babies in that, but if it works for you and you aren't having issues, then do whatever works.

If we had racoons I wouldn't have them in that thing either! But racoons have not been an issue. LOL, I could easily see a racoon picking that up and punting it over the fence... Seriously, we are blessed with our lack of predators -- except for our own cats, which this contraption does keep them away from. But thanks for pointing that out, so nobody with predator problems is even tempted to go this route.
Thank you very much for the pictures. Sun room and shade, pretty nice.
I will take a closer look, do something with what I have and maybe post pictures for opinions this weekend. I am really not handy 3 on a scale of 10 but I am motivated to get the girls out.
I also need to figure out how to post big pictures.
How old are your chicks and who are they?

I think to post the bigger pictures you just need to make sure you have the right size when you upload them.
These chickies are 2 weeks old, and I've been letting them out on warm days and bringing them in before it gets dark.
Who are they, lol, they are my first bunch that I've incuabated out of my little flock. They are buff orphingtons, barred rock - buff oprhington cross and something like a rhode island red crossed with the buff orphington rooster. Nothing fancy, but fun. They get me learning and discovering what works.

best wishes on your construction!!
Awesome! Mine are older, about 26-28 days, a golden sex-linked, a RI red, and a black Australorp.
I would love to get them out twice a week on weekdays from 9-6pm. On weekends I get them out no matter what, if bad weather just half an hour they are SOOO happy.
Today I am gone from 9-9pm and when I get home I can tell they really want to get out but i am too tired to chase after them around the house...

I will let you know about "construction".

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