Want to split Ameraucana order from John Blehm? in VA


11 Years
Oct 15, 2008
Central Virginia
I'm thinking of placing an order from John Blehm for day-old banty Ameraucanas (see chickhatchery.com), to ship this spring. He's the president of the Ameraucana Breeders Club, for those who don't know the name, and the birds are high quality. Anyway, I only need 10 and he has a minimum order of 25. Anyone interested in splitting an order? We live in central VA and I can drive to meet within reason. You can order anything except the wheatens, he has a 10 chick maximum on those and that's the variety we need. Please PM if interested. I need to get the order placed ASAP, I think he sells out fast.
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Dang, I wish you were closer! I'd split with you (Not that I NEED any, I just WANT)
I have one potential taker so far, anyone else interested? He has both bantam and LF, plus a few other breeds. I'm hoping to mail the order in the next day or two. Delivery will probably be in April or May; he will schedule a shipping date (always a Monday) once he receives the order.
I would be interested in Blue or Splash large fowl if he has them. The order form on his site only shows Blacks. I already have enough Blacks, although I'd go for B/B/S if that's how he does them.

We're very close to the VA border, in Mt Airy NC. - a drive to meet you shouldn't be too far for either of us.
If it's not on the order form, then he's not selling them, alas. Let me know if you're interested in anything else, though.

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