Wanted 6-12 of BLUEST EGGS shipping or NY, NJ, CT tristate pick up


Wanna-be Farmer
11 Years
Dec 16, 2008
I dont really care about the breed although would love more Araucanas but it is the color blue of the egg gene the roos is carrying and hen's egg that would be hatched that I am most concerned with. I am looking for the darkest blue possible.

I understand these may cost a bit. I would even be willing to take a long road trip if there are already started chicks or pulletts avaliable. I am already on a byc members list I think but I am afaraid of having so many mixed ages and would like some closer in the age I already have.

If someone has pics and are willing to show I would be most interested.

Blue eggs blues.

Only a properly selected strain of pure Ameraucanas (not EE's) will give you consistent egg color and they will breed true.
I have about 6-8 weeks worth of prepaid orders.... that is assuming the chickens cooperate ..... and the buyers still want them.... and the girls are still laying.

My egg color has stayed consistant for the most part. We had a cold spell and the girls slowed down and the eggs seemed paler.... I was afraid they were ready to take a break.....but this week they are cranking out the eggs, and the color is outstanding!
Thank you. Yes, they are beautiful birds and I am very proud of them. They came from Jean - Pips and Peeps.
At this time I am not taking more orders.

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