WANTED: How to Cook Quailios

Chicky Tocks

14 Years
Oct 20, 2008
Benton, Arkansas
So I have these 4 quails in my fridge and I've never cooked quailios before. I know plenty of you here have. I tried doing a search but came up with nothing.

So would those of you who eat the quailios please post your favorite recipes?

Thank you!
I like to wrap mine in bacon, grill for about 15-20 minutes. 4 quail would feed about 2 people.

If you want to, you could saute them in a pan with a little olive oil, until brown and cooked done, 15-20 minute.

I make quail and noodles, but I usually have about 6-8 of them when I do it.

Quail is a lot like chicken. Just does not take as long to cook them.

Google: Quail recipes, see if you don't get something.

Good luck.


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