WANTED: Rabbits for 4-H (Arizona)


15 Years
Nov 14, 2008
Sunny Southern Arizona
We are looking for some calm tempered bunnies for daughters first year in 4-H and showmanship. We were hoping for some Holland Lops but those are getting pretty hard to find in Arizona. Anyone have any info on shows or breeders that have any right now?

If only you lived a bit closer! I have a little Netherland Dwarf doe I'm trying to rehome. She was a part of my FFA project. She's very sweet, but not super accostomed to being handled (I'm super allergic so all i could ever do was pet her, lol). She has such a funny attitude too. I think she was a Japanese kamakazi pilot in another life
But if you go to the ARBA home page you might be able to find some local breeders.
Everyone I'm writing is getting out of the business. It's really frustrating. I didn't think it would be that hard to find some calm bunnies, but everyone is doing Meat rabbits around here.

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