Looking for 2- 3 excellent quality Blue/ Black/ Splash Silkie pullets or hens to add to my small flock I have here. Hoping to purchase show potential birds! Good toes, feathering, topknots and so on.
I have been in contact with several breeders, have hatched eggs from more breeders ( mostly roos..luck of the draw) and have several straight run chicks coming from an excellent breeder in a month or so.
Still looking for Silkie Pullets/Hens tho. I have been bidding on Eggbid but some of the birds go way out of my range, plus it is hard to determine quaility based on a photo or two.
I've posted to at least 4-5 yahoo groups. This is just one more place to search!
Well I don't have any extra pullets for sale now, but I will have some started buff chicks in about a month or so. Some came from hattrick eggs, but they're still young so I won't be able to guarantee that you get all pullets. I have pics of them under silkie chicks.