Wanted to Share my breeds of chickens


In the Brooder
12 Years
Apr 10, 2007
White Leghorn
Rhode Island Red
Brown Leghorn
Black Rose Comb Bantam
Blue Rose Comb Bantam
Buff Orpington
Jersey Giants
Dutch Bantams
Plymouth Rock
White Wyandottes
Speckled Sussex, and Black Cochins

Was wondering if these are good solid breeds
I am not sure what you are asking.

We have Rhode Island Red, Delaware, Jersey Giant, Buff Orpington, Auraucana/Americana, Plymouth Rock and White Wyandotte pullets, 10 months old.

Egg Laying:
Out of that group, our White Wyandotte, Jersey Giant, Delaware, Auraucana/Americana and Rhode Island Red laid 5-6 eggs a week each throughout the winter. The rest laid 4-5 eggs a week each throughout the winter.

The Jersey Giant, Auraucana/Americana, Plymouth Rock and White Wyandotte are calm and gentle birds. They will let us reach under them and remove eggs, don't mind being held or petted, follow us around the farm, and sit on our laps.

The Buff Orpington and Rhode Island Red are quiet calm girls, but prefer to be left alone when on the nest. The Rhode Island Red screams whenever she is disturbed (on or off the nest). The Buff Orpington strikes like a rattlesnake whenever you try to remove eggs under her. She isn't broody, that's just her personality.

To date only our Jersey Giant has gone broody more than once in the past 4 months. We have other birds that have gone broody, but none of the others you listed that we own.

We had a Single Comb Brown Leghorn, but it was a cockerel and we re-farmed him to a friend who had no boys.

Hope this helps.
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i have

Brown Leghorn

oh and a annoying guinea fowl that flew into my place and wont leave oh and (suspectivly) killed my 10 year old Australian Pitt Game Rooster

By "flighty" do you mean they like to fly? Sorry I'm pretty new at this. Because my brown leghorn definitely flies A LOT.

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