Wanted Young Partridge Cochin Rooster-NC/SC

Emily, hey again! My husband likes the picture of the rooster you have. We could come and get him in the evening, if thats okay. Just email me the details.

Thanks, Nancy
I do not have a picture of him. But I think he is going to be a pretty rooster. The other one is older than him, I think, because he is more feathered out. I can get a pic of him this weekend when I go home. But it would be two weeks before I could bring him to you, as I don't take my computer home with me, so you wouldn't get a look at him this weekend. But I go home every weekend. Let me know...
I have two Rhode Island red roosters that i could sell to you or trade for one pullet. I am in columbia sc not that far from you.
Thanks jadude, but I already got a cochin roo and ended up with another rooster also! I may need more pullets myself.

I have a pullet that looks exactly like this one....how do you know whether it's a cochin or a brahma? I've been trying to decide, but I was leaning more towards the partridge brahma. There aren't too many pics of either of them online that I've found. Just curious... Thanks!

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