Wanting some Silkies, Frizzles and a Blacktail Buff Bantam Rooster


12 Years
Sep 10, 2008
Is there anyone on BYC that sell these right now and not so high on the shipping charges? Or have any suggestions. I talked to MyPetChicken, just don't know. I thought they were kind of high on the shipping but I have never order out before either. I want 2 white Silkies-and 2 black frizzles-females and possibly 1 silkie rooster and a Blactail Buff Bantam Rooster. Please help? Thank You, Jodi
I have search and search for locals in TN, all I can find is places like Tyson's. I'm I missing something? Do you know where any are at? Thanks, Jodi
I had the same problem when I was looking for frizzles... I only wanted 2, and I didn't want to spend $30 in shipping... I ended up finding someone on BYC who lived close to me and was getting a big order and it came with extra frizzles. She remembered me asking around for them and gave me 2 for free.

Maybe try asking around if anyone who lives near you is planning on ordering chicks anytime soon, and see if you can go in on it with them. If they are already planning on paying the shipping and getting lots of chicks, they might let you throw in a few frizzles or whatever for just the cost of the birds! Good luck

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