wanting to trade-IN- looking for call duck & silky duck eggs


10 Years
Feb 18, 2009
I have mallrad & campbell duck eggs to trade. or a baryard mix of chicken eggs (including bantam) to trade for them. also have some australorp/barred rock eggs too. I just got badly burnt in an egg swap for these, it was so bad that i had to go buy a case of encouragment cream to even try again..
I will send you some call duck eggs...I don't need any back in trade. I think that stinks what happened to you. I will have 6 for you next week, PM me your address.

wow that is so nice of you! ive been wanting some for a while and i thought i had found them:( i cant believe you are doin that for me. r u sure?? you can get lots of money from them. im sorry , i just cant believe this..thank you thank you thank you!!!
That's what I love so much about BYC for every one bad apple there are a dozen wonderful ones. Thanks for reminding us of that Ducky.
Yes, truly BYC has some good eggs

But the bad ones stand out more.

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