wanting to use cornish rock broilers in a breeding program


9 Years
Jan 10, 2011
i understand that they are rather unfit in general, and have a high mortality rate. But i would like to add some of their finer qualities to a project bird. But i'm looking for some information from others who may have kept them long term? It would be a breeding project for the next spring (2012). I figure a breeding expidition would be too strenuous for cocks, so i was thinking of keeping over a few hens. If i get them late in the year, and keep them on feed restrictions, will they atleast a couple, make it to lay in the spring? I dont need them to last forever, just for one spring, maybe into summer.
Yes there are quite a few posts about this already if you do a search.
i have cornish roos and 2 cornish hens that are over a year old now you must start feed restricton after the first week of life and feed only layer feed or feed wich is low in protien and free range must as possble mine are luvly great birds forage better than any dual propuse bird out their because they think their starving they crow run fly and freindly buggers huge tho 15lb birds hens lay nice double yolk jumbo brown eggs. my roos were better stronger and healtheir more of the roos survived then the hens mine are currently on a diet now wich is hard since we just got more snow so they cant range as well i need to get them trimmed and in shape for spring breeding
thanks, when i searched i got a lot of threads about raising them terminally for meat production, and a lot about how you cant breed from them, i did get the odd thread, but it almost came up as an exception to the rule. That thread that you linked me to was very helpful! had i have seen it i could have skipped posting hehe. Guess i'll do the last batch or broilers i can get ration feed like mad and keep twice as many as i need!

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