Warm greetings from Namibia!


5 Years
Oct 3, 2014

Hy guys. My name is Oscar and I live in Namibia, Africa. I never had a chicken in my life and recently bought this little trio. I think they are black Pekin Bantams.
I am reading on internet the best way to take good care of them and decided to join this community to ask for a little help. My main worry is I did not find yet a vet in this country who can give the chickens the vaccinations.
I have a brick structure in the garden, like 3 mt by 2 with a roof and one side made of metal mesh.This is their enclosure now. I want to go slow introducing them to my dogs who, in any case, are used to my six pet parrots. The cage has a cement floor so I covered it with straw and added a couple of perches. One high and one low. I noticed they prefer the lower one.
I also noticed one hen is very dominant toward the other one so I feed them with more then one bowl.
I let them stroll around the garden twice a day but I see they do not go any far from the cage. I think they were always caged before.I do this to let them pick some insects and grit and have a dust bath. Things they do. In the cage I added a bowl with crushed oyster shells because the only egg they made had a soft shell. But I have them only for a week.
I would like to hear, especially from South African keepers, which kind of products to have at hand against external and internal parasites. I live in a remote area and I do not want to find myself in need of something which can take days to reach me. I would also like to hear how to properly disinfect their enclosure. Can I use Cypermethir (pyrethroid) once in a while? Without the animal in the enclosure of course.
Hope to hear from you soon.

All the best.

Oscar , welcome to Backyard Chickens. Sounds like you are taking very good care of your birds. I don't believe chickens get any vaccinations except newly hatched chicks can be give a shot to help protect against Marek's disease. They have to be vaccinated when hatched, so the shot would NOT be something older birds would get. I do know we have other members from South Africa.
I just tried out putting "South African thread," in the search box above and it did lead to other South African members. You could go there and post questions to them. I hope that will help you out. I know products are different for birds in other countries than in US - so it is necessary to ask people near you.
Thank you all for your welcome and suggestion re the SA keepers. I went to the local Agri shop where I live and asked for these products. I was given a powder which is basically Carbaryl ( for external parasites) and another powder called Terramycin as a dewormer but once I was at home I realized this is an antibiotic...
Glad you joined us!
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

So glad you could join our community!! Yes, it sounds like you are doing a great job with your flock! Sometimes there is a dominant hen so you did good by putting out an extra feeder for them. This is a natural pecking order thing.

As Drumstick Diva mentioned, most vaccinations are given when the birds are day old. Just take good care of them and it always helps to keep some antibiotics on hand in case one of them catches a bacteria.

Have you stopped by our learning center yet? Lots of good articles on keeping your new birds...https://www.backyardchickens.com/atype/1/Learning_Center

Enjoy your lovely flock! Ask any questions you may have and welcome to our flock!

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