Warning for Ecoglow users


Crazy for Silkies
11 Years
Jan 17, 2013
Make sure one side [f the Ecoglow is pushed against the brooder wall. Give plenty of room behind the Ecoglow as well. I had quite a scare this morning. My chick's are two weeks old. This morning I heard a chick screaming loud, I came running and found her wedged between the brooder wall and the Ecoglow! THANK GOD I was home to get her out!
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Thank you! I'm so glad I was there too! I never even thought that could happen! I pushed it tight to the brooder wall so it did not get a gap like before. Poor little baby. It scared her but she should be ok. I love them all so much I couldn't bare the thought of loosing one! I'm going to be worried the whole time I'm gone from home now! :/

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