(warning gross pics attached) Help Please.......my duckling got injured by a Crow


9 Years
Jul 24, 2011
Moriarty, NM
A crow landed on top of the chicks and ducklings cage out on the porch and before we could stop it injured 2 of the little ducks. Any and all advice is needed except putting them down. I'm going to try and save them. I'm attaching some pics of the one with the worst injury. This is on the upper side of the tail...her back area. The other duckling has a swollen leg and is hopping around on one leg still eating and drinking. So is this one, but I feel like I need to do something about this wound
. Please advise....

A good duck vet is the best idea. And I understand it is not always possible.

I am not a vet.

I would snip the feathers away from the edges of the wound - keep the ducklings inside, away from flies - they will lay eggs in the wound - not good.

Then I would gently mist the wound with mild saline solution. I would cut a "doughnut" shape out of moleskin and place that around the edge of the wound - not on it. Then I would lightly cover it with a no-stick gauze pad, perhaps moistened with saline solution, then wrap around the whole thing with vet wrap - not too tight, you can cause more harm if you wrap it too tightly.

Moleskin: http://www.amazon.com/First-Aid-Onl...d=1428880397&sr=8-3&keywords=moleskin+bandage

Another thought - simpler - is the separate the duckling so that no other critter will pick at the open wound. Use an unbreakable mirror for "company."

In any case I would be checking that wound every couple or three hours - make sure it is misted with saline, or perhaps Vetericyn. I would start looking into oral antibiotics in case there is a problem with infection.

Ducklings can recover for horrid accidents, but they need to be carefully tended during this critical period. Put some electrolytes in their water, with vitamins twice a week for a few weeks. Watch for signs of lethargy, loss of appetite, loss of interest in drinking.
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Ok. Those ideas sound good. I did immediately separate them. She is in the cage with the one who's hopping around on one leg. They are laying snugged together except for getting up to eat and drink. So far the hopping one isn't bothering the wound on this one's back. There's a vet in our small town, wonder if they would see them. It's a small country town. So might be worth a call in the morning.
Separate the two from the others for treatment until the get back on their feet, with easy access to feed and water. Treat wound by cleaning and putting anti-biotics on.

As for putting down... Put ducklings in a box, then in a paper sack, and then gas them by sealing bag to car pipe. The ducklings fall asleep, then die. It's very sad, but the most humane way.

However, I do think they'll be fine!
For the duckling with the swollen leg, I would put her in water - warm, about the temperature of the brooder - deep enough to float in. I would watch how she moves the leg. I hope it looks normal - just like the other.

Then I would make an Epsom salt compress.

Epsom salt compress. 2 tablespoons Epsom salt, half a cup of warm water. Soak a clean cloth in that. Gently hold the duck and wrap the cloth around the leg and foot. Wait patiently together for ten minutes if you can both go that long.

Do this twice a day.

Epsom salt is a laxative, do not let the duck drink or eat it.

Some members put the Epsom salt water into a flat-bottomed dish and stand the duck in it, holding the duck gently. Remember, no drinking the water.

I like to use comfrey and St. John's wort on the outside of the leg and foot for sprains. I have a cream called Traumeel that has those things in it, and I put a tiny dab on the leg at night (they don't swim at night).
Okay.....got the ducks soaked and cleaned. Frederick did NOT like us doctoring him....and you can see the bone sticking out. But we cleaned it good and put the antibiotic cream and saline. He's still VERY feisty and running around. I put some electrolytes in their water. Chi-Chi's leg is swollen.....pic attached. But in the tub she tried to move it some though not a whole lot, shes hopping and hobbling along on one leg. She puts that one down sometimes, but mostly holds it up. She did use it just a little when swimming in the warm water. So here's hoping for the best. Will keep this post updated.

Just an update. It's been a week and Fredrick and Chi-Chi are not only still alive but growing like weeds. Fredrick's back still looks kinda gross. But he doesn't seem to mind. My phone won't let me add a pic. But I will later. Thanks all who helped me
I'd recommend getting some Veterycin at your local TSC, etc for cleaning the wounds - great antibacterial spray for nearly any injury.

Best of luck, and keep us updated!

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