Was BYC down, or was it just me?


Good Morning!
12 Years
Aug 5, 2012
Was BYC down About 5-ish central time?? I got an error message when trying to get online. Reloaded--nothing. This has happened once before, a few days ago. The site logo also changes from a chicken picture to some blue square when this happens. It wasn't down for long either time, but instead of getting the cute "The sky is falling" page, I got an error message.

ETA: I am using a reasonably recent version of chrome, and will try and get screenshots/exact times next time.
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Same here
So it wasn't just me or my computer!
Hmm... we didn't have any maintenance and no reports of problems from our server team. We'll keep an eye on it and hope it was just a quick fluke.

How long did it seem like the site was unavailable? Any error messages or anything?
Rob, I had the same problem, for about 10 minutes @ 00:05 to 00:15 (my time) last night. I couldn't get anything done, I kept getting error messages. Everything seems to be fine now though.
Seems to be working ok for me as well. It was maybe around 6 eastern time and lasted on and off about an hour.

I agree that it was a glitch in the matrix.
I have also been having some issues with other sites--so maybe as ivan suggested, there is a matrix issue, versus a BYC issue. The next time it happens I will record times and take screenshots--I should have done that yeasterday, as it was the second time that happened.
ETA: Feedback system link on error page works in link provided by ivan, but it didn't while the site was down.
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