was told it was the barred ones were barred rock but... also pics of the entire flock

I think the little barred one might be a girl. The single comb is still small and yellow and there doesn't seem to much in the way of waddles forming yet. If the comb turns bright pink before 10 weeks, it's a boy; if not, it's a girl.
Oh wow I agree with all cockerels, except the polish too early yet...

The younger barred IS a boy, he is showing roo feathers already and that's a lot of comb for 4 wks.
What should I do with all these boys? Wont they start fighting each other, especially if I only end up with 1 or 2 girls?
I could possibly exchange a few of the boys back to the lady I got them from but haven't contacted her yet.
One option is a bachelor coop- male only.

Keep your favorite, eat some or sell/give away or if the person will take them back.

Keep all but get many more guaranteed pullets(problem is, is the person trustworthy or just ignorant)... or hens.

Never create a situation of breeding age 3-4 boys and one girl.. that girl is going to suffer if not get killed.

Some roosters are able to tolerate or get along with others. Some just can't... it sounds like the white one is going to be one of the latter and may turn on the others when older.
Easter Egger cockerel.
My crazy white boy.
Black Australorp, thinking cockerel.
My big sweetie.. Seriously this is the sweetest thing ever. Better temperament then most dogs I've met.

These are my younger ones.
Blue Polish, looks like a pullet for now.
Silver polish. about 4weeks old

My little Barred. about 4 weeks. This is the one the crazy white one was picking on bad today. I had to separate them. Barred Plymouth Rock cockerel.
Black Polish, pullet.
Black polish about 5 weeks.

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