Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

The queen of hatching should not have any problems with them .....uh...you know....other ducks!

Keep the humidity up and don't be shocked if they take longer! You know the drill Mama!

Miss you!!!
Miss you too !
I have heard others say Skovies like their temps lowered on day 27...down to about 95 or 96, ever hear that ?
Don't know about that. I didn't mess with my temps at all and I had an excellent hatch rate. Though I have never done any funny looking ducks. :lau

I only hatch beautiful bowling pins!
Grafting a baby on to a nursing mom is tricky even when the mom is old and experienced. First time? Never seen it happen. Goats are supposed to be relatively more ready to take on another nursling than cows, but when a doe has had issues with nursing her own kid I'd be really surprised if she voluntarily took on an adoptee right off the bat.

17 years ago my mare had a really difficult delivery and a giant tear. The day the baby was born, the mare in the next pasture nearly broke the fence down trying to get to the baby while the vet was fixing up Mom. 2 weeks later, my mare died, and we wanted to find the baby a foster mom...not to nurse her, but just to socialize her and watch after her. None of the mares on the place would even look at her. Finally, an elderly welsh pony/arab cross gelding took her under his wing. Foxy became my filly's "Uncle Foxy." He adored her, and raised her right. He was a pig, and wanted her feed (Tore the baby feeder off the wall, so we had to give her food away from him so he wouldn't founder!), but he was a treasure.

Not an ENTIRELY relevant story, but it came to mind.
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Working outside for 2 days...in the green house & have cucumbers, red cheese peppers, jalapenos & Anchos all doing excellent...
All bonsai doing excellent, this is perfect weather !!!!!!!!
2 days ago it was 85 here, yesterday about 80, and today is a perfect 75-80.
Perfect weather !

There is a zillion RV's & Trailers marching out here from I-5..one right after the other in a giant slow caravan, irritating the dickens out of the working log truck drivers.........
Ahhhhhhhhhhh lovely weather !!!!!!!!!!

have fun peeps !!!!!!!!!

Mmm...Tomorrow is also opening day of fishing season. Could be adding to the RV traffic. After 16 years of living in Mineral, where Opening Day is the big town festival, we only had 1 REALLY nice opening weekend. Could this be the next one????
Working outside for 2 days...in the green house & have cucumbers, red cheese peppers, jalapenos & Anchos all doing excellent... All bonsai doing excellent, this is perfect weather !!!!!!!! 2 days ago it was 85 here, yesterday about 80, and today is a perfect 75-80. Perfect weather ! There is a zillion RV's & Trailers marching out here from I-5..one right after the other in a giant slow caravan, irritating the dickens out of the working log truck drivers......... Ahhhhhhhhhhh lovely weather !!!!!!!!!! have fun peeps !!!!!!!!!
Thanks for reminding me! I hav to go over to the westside this evening, and the I5-101 junction is going to be a nightmare.
So, got the hazel trunk down and the sheep ate half the leaves before he got bored with it. I have to take the branches off so it can be moved. LOT bigger than I thought it would be, about 25 feet or so, eight inches across at the stump, maybe? Heck of a lot easier than moving the clothesline would have been, what with it being framed on 4X4s set in concrete.

Ten eggs out of twelve hens, so far. I'm picking up some Barbu d'Anvers eggs tomorrow, may also get a couple Dark Brahma Bantam eggs (which my cousin says he just hasn't hatched- he had the pair caged together but the person he was going to sell hatching eggs to changed their minds, who would have guessed? and he had his incubator full of pheasant eggs, and THOSE were the ones that were infertile).

No new calf.

DH, on his every-other-Friday-off is actually cleaning out the smaller bedroom with the intention of making a studio, and good luck to him.
Hey peeps.

I need some advice. As you saw in the pictures I posted I have an EE roo that is a sweet boy. That being said, he's already henpecked by Niqui the Dominique I got from Walady94. Niqui is a very confident girl, and goes about her day with gusto. Fluffy, however, just runs around behind Niqui like a love-sick-puppy. I'd like to reduce Niqui's agressive attitude toward the 3 newer birds, including the roo. Is there a way to change her agressive behavior? I've tried taking her out of the pen and let her see the others inside, but Fluffy panics and does all she can to try to get to the same area Niqui is in. I don't want to make the choice to rehome one of my birds, but if Niqui keeps being so agressive I'm not sure what other options I have.

Any advice is greatly appreciated.

I'm also curious about Matty's crowing. I haven't heard any yet, and he's constantly running away from Niqui. Is this something he will outgrow? Should I even be worrying about this behavior?

As a third concern, my RIR, Red, seems to be smaller than all the other birds. She seems OK to go do things on her own, or with the others, but both Red and Lace are the first ones to run from Niqui. I will put down wetted feed each morning, and today all 5 ate at once for about 2 minutes. Then Niqui was running them all off. If any of the 3 started towards the fresh wet feed Niqui would take 2 or 3 steps towards them and they would run off. Even if Niqui wasn't eating she would chase the others away from the feed. So, do I need to be worried about Red being smaller? With Niqui seeming to be so domineering, is it likely this will change as they grow older?

So many question, so few answers in my head. Your help is always appreciated.

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