Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

I just joined and wanted to say HI!! I live in Kitsap county and want to get chicks soon. anyone know some good places to purchase some? I only want 4-5 total and would love to get some different breeds

Hi! and Welcome to our group!

We are in the same area! CowGirlGrace (Lyn Apodaca) is an excellent source on Key Peninsula and out toward the Brem. airport is RainCreek Pottery and Poultry (Pam Buck). You can find Rain Creek contact info. on-line. She also attends the Pt. Orchard farmers market sometimes. If you want to contact Lyn, PM me and I can give it to you. I have one of her Blue Wheaten Ameraucanas that I love. She doesn't do Barnevelders any more. I really like both of these and they specialize in different breeds so you have lots of choices. There's also someone near Brem., Seabeck maybe (?), that has more rare breeds like Icelandic and a couple others I can't think of. Google Seabeck and chickens and see if you can find them.
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Today, while I was at work, my dear Pengin was grabbed by a coyote. My mom was gardening and keeping an eye and ear out, but it snuck in under the radar. It was no later than 1:30 PM. I hate pup season. I hate coyotes. If I could wish one entire species away, it would be the coyotes native to this state.

Oh... I'm SO sorry to hear about Pengin!


Finally, got back on.

The folks that take care of problems did great. Took several tries on their part (and their patience) but they did it.


I had to read 150 posts just to catch up.
Anyhoo, the problem all started with some malware. There was an ad (popup) that came across my computer that closely resembled an alert by my security program. When I clicked on it I knew I did wrong. It took awhile but I did a "clean install", etc,etc. Then I couldn't log on the forum. IDK what happened, but it's OK now.

Man, that was a bit of a hot spell we had. I hope everyone got through it OK.
Hey Mikey.... sorry to hear about the malware, that stuff can be really nasty to get rid of, so I'm glad you stuck with it and you're back. I've been away for a while, too but not due to problems.
Kim, glad to hear you were proactive! I've seen her ads too and it really riles me. I've been thinking about putting an informational ad on CL to inform people and point them here. Newbies have a steep learning curve and get SO much misinformation. And it's just plain mean to take advantage the way she does.
Ok... I've been hogging this thread today, sorry! I've been away for several days and had to do some catching up. Welcome to any newcomers I missed!

I was in the garden this morning and cut some lavender for the coop and it got me to thinking about just how effective the practice is of adding herbs. Is it an old wives tale, or is there some valid studies to back it up. I haven't been thorough in my search but I found an article I wanted to share with anyone interested. It's about birds adding herbs to their nests, not chickens. Here's the link Birds Line Nests with Natural Antibacterials

Kate.... sounds like you're back in the bird business, yippee!

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