Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

We are 24 or 25 miles down highway 12 East from I-5 so Olympia is about the same as kelso / longview for us
Driving to St Pete's is 50 miles each way
We have gotten more into shopping chehalis centrailia living here.
Surgery is postponed again. I have a stasis rash that is not healing and keeps erupting so now I have to see a dermotologist to figure out how to get it to heal for surgery.
Surgery is postponed again. I have a stasis rash that is not healing and keeps erupting so now I have to see a dermotologist to figure out how to get it to heal for surgery.
I understand the frustration they put my acl surgery 3 years
allowing harsh arthritis and sever pain. possibly predinose
therapy could help surgery is still do able with it at lower dosage.
I have 4 what we called exhibition crates because they are heavy wire crates
for dogs of 3 sizes use the small one to hang one in if
mine do ever go broody might be the easier gentler method
All this talk about broodies - I JUST completed my first hatch last week and no sooner, did one of my Marans go broody for the first time. She is just over a year and I have one other, she better not go broody. I managed to collect the eggs over the weekend but she is still sitting on yesterdays, I think I will move her with the eggs and see what happens. If she's any good at mothering I may let he adopt some of the babies I just set in the incubator last night. We'll see.

@Chickielady are you still breeding Bielefelders? I may try this breed eventually...
I have 4 what we called exhibition crates because they are heavy wire crates
for dogs of 3 sizes use the small one to hang one in if
mine do ever go broody might be the easier gentler method
That's exactly the sort of crate most people use to break their broodies, wire dog kennels. It does need to be elevated off the ground a bit, though. It's the airflow underneath the hen that is thought to 'trigger' the hormones to stop.
There's so much information here for newbie chicken-ers.
We're in the home stretch for a coop that is hopefully going to keep out whatever will try to eat our chicks. They've been extra bratty lately, all cuddles and cheeps when we go to take them outside, but catching them to go back in...oh man. I'm sure the neighbors have been entertained.

That's exactly the sort of crate most people use to break their broodies, wire dog kennels. It does need to be elevated off the ground a bit, though. It's the airflow underneath the hen that is thought to 'trigger' the hormones to stop.
I did pick that up in the post haven't figured how I would do it yet
just know I could fit 6 or so in my big one
That's exactly the sort of crate most people use to break their broodies, wire dog kennels. It does need to be elevated off the ground a bit, though. It's the airflow underneath the hen that is thought to 'trigger' the hormones to stop.

Yep, this has been the best method for me to break my broody hens! I also put some 1/2" hardware cloth in the bottom so it is easier for the hens to walk and sleep in the crate. I am sure everyone here knows this already but in case they don't broody hens still get unlimited access to food and water even in the crate, and obviously need shade and protection from the elements. I read some comments before regarding this method that made me cringe a bit which is why I felt the need to say that.

Usually it takes 2-4 days to break my hens but I did have one broody that didn't ever break after several weeks of trying. She "broke" on her own on the timeline of how long I presume it would take a hen to give up trying to hatch eggs that quit - about 4+ weeks. The next time she went broody I just got some eggs for her so she could enjoy being a mom because she was so dedicated to it. She was a very sweet hen and had even survived a raccoon attack while she was brooding but continued on brooding to hatch 3 happy healthy chicks.

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