Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

Kinda want's to make make you go crazy huh.......
I just want to state that anytime someone spells a barred rock as a bard rock, the only thing that goes through my mind is Alan-a-dale from Robin Hood.

The hatcheries are basically just ripping people off.
There was a person on the Jersey Giants thread recently who was asking why her Giants were smaller than her Brahmas.

Yep. She got them from a hatchery. And their feet are "pinkish" not yellow.

Kind of like referring to a Black Labrador as a 'Black'. Doesn't really make sense.
Exactly, but to make it worse to ma, as I have autism, it is so hard for me to understand slang, or generalization.
Things like 'roo' are very hard to understand as well...

For example, a cockerel is a male chicken under 1 year of age, a cock is a male over 1 year of age.
So when you say 'Roo".what do you mean ?
And why don't you just say what you mean so we do not have to guess ?

Aspergers also have a hard time with jokes, and sarcasm.....and lies.
I try to pactice comedy whenever I can.
You have seen me post jokes...as stupid as most of them are !

We aspies also try so super hard to understand what someone is saying, or trying to explain what I want to say, and have it be misconstrued, that it can lead to extreme frustration.
Often times it can just make me frustrated to the point of being mad.

Oh well, I am sure I'll get over it.
ahhh the education game again cool.........................................
see I understand about Labradors black ,yellow no they are not white labaradors
so I do believe they where sold to me at Dels farm supply as Plymouth Rock Barred 6 to 8 lb about 3 month and 1 year old so I
would consider full grown right PRB
Education has absolutely nothing to do with it.
Nor is anyone trying to act superior.
What we are saying is we do not understand what you are saying.

So, if they are PRBs, than why it the cockerel blue ?
Did I misunderstand you again ?
I thought you were showing me a cockerel you were getting rid of & you said 'barreds" but the picture was a blue ?

Ha I do that to my husband all the time. Mainly to keep him on his toes. I have several breeds of chicken with silver in their name. I think he is getting it though. Now he points to the white ams and says "those silvers?" or the black australorps and says "those silvers?"

Well that (especially silver) can be super confusing !

Look at the Silver Cuckoo marans, and then the Silver Ameraucana, then the Silver Sulmtaler, and how about the Lakenvelder, which is also a silver bird...then look at the Silver Welsummers.......they are all silver breeds and they are all very different looking !

It drives me absolutely insane when somebody calls a yellow lab and a golden lab. I always ask them if it is a golden retriever or and labrador cross and they look at me funny. Just one of my pet peeve's. I've been calling my Plymouth rocks white rock, barred rock, and buff rock. So I guess that isn't quite right. But it's close enough for me. The only other color I know they come in is Partridge. I don't even know what that looks like. What other colors do Plymouth rocks come in?
Partridge is alot like wheaten but the phenotype is diferent, in other words the males look identical, but the females are different.

Have you seen the ad on TV for (I think it is) pet insurance ?
And shows a little boy growing up with a yellow lab pup & suddenly it turns into a Golden retriever & grows even older ?

Makes me so mad !
Do they really think we are that stupid that we would not notice ?
There could not be more of either breed in the U.S.A.......................it would have been very easy to find many a yellow lab (on any street corner
) to do the entire commercial.

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