Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

Their names are Snow (my shoulder buddy), 6 of them are called Blackie, and this little guy with the copper head is now being called Red. When his head started turning red, if it made me nervous. I thought someone was picking his feathers out. Because at one point he had a naked neck.

He actually does pose well for me. He likes to fly up to my arm when I am in the tractor.

That's so cute. My little Snow is like that. In fact, this morning, she absolutely refused to let me carry her in my arms to the chicken tractor outside. She *had* to ride my shoulder. I'm hoping OE's don't get very big if that's how she plans on being carried.
Do you all use DE? If so, where do you get it? I found it at Del's but it was a bit pricey about $10 for 2 pounds, is that right?

Also, I would like to thank you all for infecting me with chicken-itis, I have decided my tractor coop isn't big enough and that I should convert the back corner of the garage to make a bigger coop & run.
Hopefully with pallets, I love repurposing!

And my rabbits need a bigger run so they can get out more... Maybe a chicken/rabbit run along the fence. It's a CHunnel! http://zucchinimom.blogspot.com/2012/06/introducing-our-chunnel-chicken-tunnel.html

How cool is this: http://www.mcmurrayhatchery.com/photogallerydetail.html?photoid=2302 Any ideas on what that greenery growing above is?

Why didn't any of you warn me ahead of time that this is so addictive? Now I'm looking at ducks and turkeys and land/houses outside city limits. And I've always wanted a pygmy goat, I will name him Bob (after my dad, hahahaha!).
Or I may need to visit a farm more often so I don't have to have my own...

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