Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

My one wheaten ameraucana pullet started laying at 9 months a few weeks ago. The hatchery brahmas have started at 6 months. The hatchery "ameraucanas" started between 19-23 weeks. And 9 months for the non-hatchery silkies, too.
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I have another question on silkies. I took a close look at my cockerels yesterday. I am guessing that they are about 4 months old. When I spread out their wings, they have a gap between the feathers. Is it possible they will feather in more, or do they definitely have split wings by this point?

If they have split wings, I am thinking at this point that they will become my first birds to process. Although, it looks like silkies are mostly good for stock. I'm not that big on making soup, but I love a good stock for chicken & dumplings.

Hmm, I don't think I posted about this weekend... I was going to drive to Portland and had a taker for at least one of the boys, but my son decided that he was going to resist every single thing that morning and I had to stay home. I was not a happy camper on Saturday.

Boys will feather in more slowly. They can take up to a year. But as for wings you should be fairly certain at about 6-8 months if they have split wing or not. Can't make a call one way or another at 4 mos.
That axial feather can sometimes take a long time to grow in. Can you see any pin feather or short feather there in the middle?
Am not seeing any action yet from my darling man who says he will build a wonderful big coop for the girls;
so hoping when he sees these chicks next month it will spur him into action! I tease him about wanting piped-in
music and window curtains for them. He says he is planning it in his head after looking at the Wichita coop
online - an engineer and must think, think and think some more before actually jumping into action.
If not, I will be looking at getting a ready made one delivered fast.

out of control in Lynnwood

I am also in Lynnwood and have been building my coop (well, my friend who was a construction worker is lol) for a few months now in my garage. You are welcome to come by and see it some time. I got some ideas from the Wichita coop but I'm basing a good bit off Heather Bullard's coop plans. It's taking a long time to put it together because of all the details I want to build into it. It's also taking a lot of money!

With any luck it'll be done within 2-3 weeks. Lamont has built the roof and is cutting the last sheathing, then he needs to paper and shingle it, cut trim, finish the pop door, put on the hardware, and I am way behind on painting... This thing is taking forever!!! But next week another friend's job ends and I'll be hiring him to help.

I've been meaning to post this pic for a week. My Polish hen has dropped every one of her tail feathers!
Poor thing has been molting since I bought her in November.

She was taking a dust bath in a pile of sawdust yesterday. She's funny. I think she likes living in the garage. Sorry girl, but someday the coop will be done and you'll have to live outside!

Well, there is no way I'm going to try catching up with the over 50 pages I'm behind.
Hope everyone is doing well. I got an unexpected phone call from the high school I used to work at, one of the teachers left and they wanted me to finish out the semester. So, I'm now back up to three part time jobs and am working seven days a week through at least February. Haven't had any BYC time until tonight, bleah. I'm going to try to get away so I can see everybody at the WFF show in March, but we shall see.

My girls are still not laying. I'm really looking forward to spring!
OK so far for the south meet up it looks like mikeb, Sarahkatie, Mr and Mrs CR. itsren is going to try to come down if her schedule allows. Also Since my place is only 5 miles away I would be willing to allow visitors after the meet if anybody wants to see my little dumpy coops. Sorry we have a tiny house so I couldn't host a get together unless in nice weather.

PLEASE PM mikey or E-MAIL me if interested
I've been meaning to post this pic for a week. My Polish hen has dropped every one of her tail feathers!
Poor thing has been molting since I bought her in November.

She was taking a dust bath in a pile of sawdust yesterday. She's funny. I think she likes living in the garage. Sorry girl, but someday the coop will be done and you'll have to live outside!


She's adorable!!! I'm glad she's got a safe garage for now, your coop is gonna be awesome!

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