Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

Miss Jessica!!!! I hope yer plannin oncoming down I know ya have a chauffeur. If ya don't come down well yer gonna be in for a BIG surprise!!!!

Hey Speaking of Nikki99 I haven't seen fer sure are you gonna make it.

Argh! I'm DYING to come but we're already going to be busy from 9am-5pm Saturday and that's a long day with kids. Not to mention missing naps 2 days in a row. I'll think about it tonight...
Gee, Carolyn F and I don't have any little kids to bring. Maybe we should bring our other little ones we treat like kids. Hens on road trip. Yahoo.

AGHH... when did my sweet little granddaughters turn in to HENS???

Their mommy is gonna be surprised very !
Gee, Carolyn F and I don't have any little kids to bring. Maybe we should bring our other little ones we treat like kids. Hens on road trip. Yahoo.

Hey, I've considered bringing my two silkie cockerels along in the hopes they would be going home with someone else! The boys are looking gorgeous. But every time I go in the garage they crow at me.

Hey, I've considered bringing my two silkie cockerels along in the hopes they would be going home with someone else! The boys are looking gorgeous. But every time I go in the garage they crow at me.

As I know next to nothing about Roos.... This means what??? Other than they are noisy??
Just got my February coupon book from Coastal. They have a buy one get one free deal on bandanas. Say, we could all get pink ones and show up as rustlers at some meetup somewhere! :gig

Also a coupon for $21 for a 40 or 50 pound bag of BOSS. Is that a good price, I take it? Haven't bought them before but would like to try.

Where do I get these coupons from?! And where is Coastal? Up north ya?

Too pretty to eat!!! Not to mention it took DAYS to get this many. Guess I really did need the supplemental light, doh!

Those are bEEautiful! :-D

DH says Blackie can stay for a little while longer!
Blackie decided to finally be a man and protected Latte from Rhodie twice today. Good boy Blackie! He earned a reprieve from going to auction on Saturday.

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