Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

Sounds like everyone had a good time at the show! We would have been there, but Mr. Bear surprised me with an impromptu road trip to Seattle to see the Mythbusters on tour!

It was awesome. If you ever get a chance to see them live, do it! It was just Adam and Jamie, not those three other clowns.
I'm considering that option right now. Although Montana isn't that far away, I think it'll give a good mountain range of a distance.

Thanks CR. I think that may just be the answer to my issues. Anyone need a roommate or know of an awesome rental where I can take my mini farm?

I'm so sorry that happened to you. That happened to me with my grandpa, and it should have been the last straw, except I'm too forgiving.

Gosh darnit. I'd rather squat with spurs on!!!

my family? I was supposed to inherit a 80 acre farm- since I am the only surviving line in our family- not that I expected anythign, but I was TOLD it was going to be mine one day...and that farm was on Sauvie's island, OR, where my family is well known, and in fact the county bought my great grandmother's house and preserved it since we were "settlers" on the island. Please note that there is an organic CSA run by people completely unrelated to me- on the location that was supposed to be passed down to me. Enough said!
TO ya both.

I have a bit of an idea how that feels. See I publicly disowned my mothers daughter in December. I decided it was time to remove the stresses and stop trying to be part of a group that didn't want me. With AWESOME people like my BYC FAMILY I don't need those other people.
My father passed last summer. I don't miss him. With Mom and Dad gone, I no longer have a relationship with any of my brothers (their choice as much as mine) or one of my sisters (my choice). I don't miss them either.
CR: I want a farm not a boat.

I'm just going to throw out all the hugs I need to everyone else.. FREE HUGS!!!

Kill two relatives with one really big chicken... I mean... yep that's how it's going today!
so I picked up a hanging feeder from Wilco yesterday, and I put it out in the coop this morning, and you would've thought I threw a pack of coyotes in there or something with how bad all my girls freaked out. What a bunch of

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