Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

Yule is not a christmas yummy? Its a chicken?
Its not a log!
Worse of all...it is THE chicken.

OK...I need to stick with NON-SHINEY DUCKS.

But yes, he does indeed strut around as THE Chicken
He's quite the tall dark and handsome hunk of fluffy love
I love Instagram. I spend more time there than on Facebook or anywhere else. I follow a guy from (the Netherlands I think?) who takes the most amazing pics I have seen of random rusty, abandoned or broken things. He is AMAZING.
I got my Iphone 4 last year and I like it ok. I don't think I would get another one though. Gasp! The android market has way more free apps than Apple. Plus, my DD just got the Samsung S3 and hers takes pics as good as my Canon DSLR. It's amazing. There are a lot of good things about Apple products, but now that I have owned one, I do not think it is worth all the hype. Not to mention the headache of wondering if you are going to be robbed if you use it in public. Just my opinion.

How about a $35,000 Iphone 5? Who would pay that much for electronics that go obsolete in 18 months? Yes, really, here is the link to it.
Someone in Japan bought it I think. I will sell her my android for $34,750 and build a home with that instead of blowing it away like that. Plus she will like it better than an Iphone I bet.

Thank you all for the lovely pics!! I cleaned the coop a little today and painted my vanity and towel closet in the bathroom. Horses got their pedicures and we got some fence moved and a little temp pasture made for the pony. I tried taking pics of all the chicks today, but Hermione was being quite the camera hog. I did manage to get pics of Hedwig, please let me know if you are seeing a roo, because that is the direction I am leaning toward.

Here is Hermione...

And again...

This is Hedwig, my little frizzle Cochin (I assume, due to the feathered feet) out of the assorted bantam tub. From the size of the comb however, I am thinking it may be a roo...

Here it is again with my LF Cochin, who is a pullet.

And one more from the front. Looks like he is wearing a very fluffy boa...

I also took time today to sit on the bridge to our pasture and enjoy the sunshine...

ETA: Hermione's name on the first pic
Are you seeing any wattles yet? Which ever it is Very cute
love that boa..

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Spent a little bit of time looking at the Yelm Municipal Codes and I think I found the critical points.....

6.04.010 Definition.
“Livestock” means any horse, mules, cattle, hogs, goats, sheep, rabbits, or other animal stock, and shall include chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese and fowl. (Ord. 753 § 2, 2002).



17.12.030 Prohibited uses.
A. Kennels are prohibited.
B. Uses other than those identified or described in YMC 17.12.020 are prohibited. (Ord. 561 § 3, 1995; Ord. 555 § 14, 1995).

17.12.020 Permitted uses.
B. Other or related uses permitted:
5. The keeping of common household animals or pets is permitted; provided, that their keeping does not constitute a nuisance or hazard to the peace, health and welfare of the community in general and neighbors in particular;

Therefore, because keeping "livestock" is not one of the permitted uses, chickens would not be permitted.
I hope this helps clarify the issue. It may not be a good law, but it's pretty clear.

Quote: This is what my husband got back from them as well!

The Zoning Code, in the R-4 zoning district, states at Section 17.12.020 (B)(4) YMC that:

5. The keeping of common household animals or pets is permitted; provided, that their keeping does not constitute a nuisance or hazard to the peace, health and welfare of the community in general and neighbors in particular

It further states at Section 17.12.030 that:

B. Uses other than those identified or described in YMC 17.12.020 are prohibited.

This means that anything other than keeping a common household animal or pets is NOT permitted.

The Zoning Code does not define ‘pets’. Therefore we can look to the other definitions in the City Code for guidance. The Animal Control Code defines “Pet Animal” at Section 6.08.030 (S) as:

“Pet animal” means any species of wild or domestic animal sold or retained for the purpose of being kept for pleasure, companionship or utilitarian purposes and not kept as a food source.

Therefore: If the chickens are kept for a food source, they are NOT a pet and are prohibited in the R-4 zoning district.

So yeah I'm thinking that we can still have them. I don't know exactly what they mean as keeping them for a food source, I mean I understand that chickens lay eggs, I CAN'T STOP THEM FROM DOING THAT, but yes I wanted them as pets. I love all animals like a pet and I care very deeply for them. I've always been very close to any animal I've owned and have cried with every death, or having to give them up for whatever reason :( I've wanted chickens for a long time, and I'm praying God will help me find a way to have chickens. I believe this is it :D
Spent a little bit of time looking at the Yelm Municipal Codes and I think I found the critical points.....

6.04.010 Definition.
“Livestock” means any horse, mules, cattle, hogs, goats, sheep, rabbits, or other animal stock, and shall include chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese and fowl. (Ord. 753 § 2, 2002).



17.12.030 Prohibited uses.
A. Kennels are prohibited.
B. Uses other than those identified or described in YMC 17.12.020 are prohibited. (Ord. 561 § 3, 1995; Ord. 555 § 14, 1995).

17.12.020 Permitted uses.
B. Other or related uses permitted:
5. The keeping of common household animals or pets is permitted; provided, that their keeping does not constitute a nuisance or hazard to the peace, health and welfare of the community in general and neighbors in particular;

Therefore, because keeping "livestock" is not one of the permitted uses, chickens would not be permitted.
I hope this helps clarify the issue. It may not be a good law, but it's pretty clear.
With enough pressure, laws can be changed. Yelm needs to join the chicken bandwagon! Seattle allows chickens for Pete's sake!
LC. I'd get the chickens no matter how the code reads.
The answers I've seen so far it seems like they don't even know and have to go study a bunch of words that instead of making their yes yes and their no no it's left up to interpretation.

They say chickens can't be food?
Go to UTUBE & send them the videos of some of the chicken farms they are getting their chickens from at the local grocery.
Ask them to view it then explain to you why if you wanted to couldn't raise them as food.
After viewing videos do they really want to eat some of the store bought food?

BTW. They should also read the constitution.
Unless one lives in a HOA which then you have given up your rights to the agreement that goes with your property they have no right to restrict you from owning chickens according to the constitution.
Government never was to have these kinds of powers.

It was said years ago if you don't stand up for something you'll fall for anything.
I've witnessed that happening all over our great land.

Make no mistake, those that live in unincorporated King County whom believe this wave of power tripping won't be coming their way I say it's just a matter of time.
Except I think after an uproar is heard they will find a way to tax each animal so not only do they get revenues, they know who has what.
And I think that will be their true intention behind the move.
Whew! I just got caught up and it's already 9:45. I am pooped!

Loved all the pics!

And getting caught up with everyone else's day, but I am tired now and am going to bed.
I am getting 10 black silkie chicks shipped out to me tomorrow. I am nervous!
I should get them Thursday, or Friday. Hopefully Thursday.

Hopefully you all don't talk as much so I can catch up easier tomorrow.
I know.....wishful thinking!

Good night all!
With enough pressure, laws can be changed. Yelm needs to join the chicken bandwagon! Seattle allows chickens for Pete's sake!
LOL this is what my husband said too! Yelm high has the 4H club and the FFA every where you go in Yelm you pass horse's or cows, and just down the street from us, there are llama's sheep, chickens, etc all sorts of animals. It's just freaking LAME that I'm having to go through this. But it means THAT much to me to have chickens :D again thanks for all the help and support!
Quote: I saw that on the news. People are nuts! I can think of SO many things I could do with that money. Actually, I could fix my barn, get some cattle, get a better truck and probably re-fence most of my property. All at once, rather than piece by piece. Oh well, it doesn't hurt to dream.
Quote: I didn't think about that, I will check tomorrow. Isn't he just the cutest? I was kind of disappointed that he seems to be white. I was hoping for a buff, as when I got him he was the same color that my buff Cochin was when I got her. Oh well, I guess he will have to get used to baths once in a while.

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