Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

I think you are being a little sensitive.  The YOU I used was meant as Everyone, not just you personally.  You, meaning you personally, have not been on the board long enough to know the personalities of each of us.  We are all nice people.  I've met me and I know I am nice.  :thumbsup   Actually, I had mentioned something about comfrey being demoted about a week before you brought this up.  https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/717207/washingtonians-come-together-washington-peeps/17470#post_10866596 
I mean no negative toward you in any way.  Have a good time and lighten up.  No one is picking on you.  You seem to have a good grasp on Living Free Off The Wild.  Here is to Euell Gibbons, my first guru of eating wild.

Funny story.  Back in the early 70's when people where escaping to live in more simple times this little hippy girl, meaning me and my hubby, considered living in a Tee-pee in the woods.  Eating off the wild.  Shooting game with a muzzle loader.  We ran around with a friend who was part of the Mountain Man society.  Although today my microwave is my best friend and I don't want to kill anything anymore I still feel those roots.  Anyone into Mushroom picking? 

I guess quoting someone and then using "you" does not make it personal but that was how I read it. Thank you for the clarification.

I used to raise everything I ate or forage for edible weeds but now that I know I can pass that test I take shortcuts, LOL. I used to enjoy milking goats and making my own butter but now I just buy it in bulk at Costco. I live in town now so there is only so much space in my backyard for food production. I have never been willing to trust myself when it comes to picking mushrooms. I picked up a book on it at a secondhand store once but ended up selling the book on Amazon.
Well, if I had checked my spelling I would have found the information online and I could have suggested Easter Egger chickens for all the reasons I listed. Seeing the show Araucana was a shock to me because that is definitely not what I raised. Most likely the chickens I bought labeled Araucana were more accurately what are now labeled Ameraucana but I am happy knowing they are Easter Egger chickens. I knew the Easter Egger was a mixed breed chicken but I did not know that is the only one that lays blue, green, and pink eggs. I like getting all three colors in one breed, even if it is a mutt breed.

When I talked to someone at Coastal today she insisted that their Araucanas were true Araucanas from Idaho but they have tails so I am still hopeful they are Easter Eggers. I will just have to wait until they are laying to know if I will have an assortment of egg colors. I used to get more green eggs than blue or pink so that made the blue and pink ones seem more rare than the green. My ducks lay green eggs but I read they can also have other colors.

Just want to say that from talking with family and doing research, the hatcheries are selling the same birds they did in the '50s-'80s pretty much. They are easter eggers. If that's what you are wanting, doesn't matter what they are called at the feed store, will be the same birds. They all seem to have similar colored feathers. There is one hatchery (can't remember which one) that was crossing in other breeds to get color in the birds. Otherwise the little chipmunk chicks all end up looking similar to these.

I love my EE girls. Most of them are still laying pretty decent at 2 years old. 4-5 eggs a week on average. Pinky and Emma lay 5-6 on average. I can actually tell their eggs apart from the others so I get an accurate count. If Emma didn't lay a bullet shaped egg, I couldn't tell her blue from the actual ameraucanas. I had one hatchery EE that was super friendly and liked to sit with me being petted. Now if they would quit plucking my roosters beard.

The ameraucanas I have are nice friendly birds. Even the ones I got that weren't chicks have warmed up to me quite well. One silver ameraucana follows me everywhere. The wheaten hen and rooster that I got last year as my first ameraucanas are such sweet things. The hen still snuggles with me and likes to ride snuggled in on my shoulder while I do chores. The rooster is a darling boy. He talks all the time and begs. He'll come up and tug on my pant or skirt until I pay attention. He won't snuggle anymore outside. He has to go keep watch over the girls. If I bring him inside he'll sit with me holding a conversation I can't understand. He loves the neck scratches.
Hello from Yakima!

Hey !

There is a poultry show near you saturday - I will be there along with several of the regular posters here. I've been known to build coops for folks. We could at least chat about it and see if you guys think you could build your own (I know you can coops are not difficult)

Watch the craigslist in your area for coops or old sheds - even some kiddie playhouses make good coops if you are just looking for a few hens.

Yeah I seen a few posts talking about the show this saturday. I really want to go but Cody doesn't get off work until Sunday morning. :(
Is it okay for people to just show up to the shows without rhyme or reason, just to have a look around?
Hello from Yakima!

And good morning again everyone! I just woke up. *yawn* Went to take the dog outside to potty and got startled by some guy digging through my recycle bin. I think he might have just been someone living in the neighborhood who is out of work.

I feel like sharing a picture of my new puppy with you guys I hope that's okay!

His name is Cricket <3

Okay back to browsing craigslist!
Is it okay for people to just show up to the shows without rhyme or reason, just to have a look around?
Hello from Yakima!

And good morning again everyone! I just woke up. *yawn* Went to take the dog outside to potty and got startled by some guy digging through my recycle bin. I think he might have just been someone living in the neighborhood who is out of work.

I feel like sharing a picture of my new puppy with you guys I hope that's okay!

His name is Cricket <3

Okay back to browsing craigslist!

Heck ya- - show up, walk around look at stuff. I wont be there till around noon-ish. I'm driving over from Yakima. We're spending the night and then returning home on Sunday.

Love your doggy :)
Well, if I had checked my spelling I would have found the information online and I could have suggested Easter Egger chickens for all the reasons I listed. Seeing the show Araucana was a shock to me because that is definitely not what I raised. Most likely the chickens I bought labeled Araucana were more accurately what are now labeled Ameraucana but I am happy knowing they are Easter Egger chickens. I knew the Easter Egger was a mixed breed chicken but I did not know that is the only one that lays blue, green, and pink eggs. I like getting all three colors in one breed, even if it is a mutt breed.

When I talked to someone at Coastal today she insisted that their Araucanas were true Araucanas from Idaho but they have tails so I am still hopeful they are Easter Eggers. I will just have to wait until they are laying to know if I will have an assortment of egg colors. I used to get more green eggs than blue or pink so that made the blue and pink ones seem more rare than the green. My ducks lay green eggs but I read they can also have other colors.

When I brought up the reprimands I said I can understand being corrected for outdated knowledge or information now thought to be untrue (such as the eggs being more nutritious with less cholesterol) but I was a little put off by being told not to do something I had said I don't do but others do. I am aware that there are many books that promote ingesting Comfrey but I am also aware of the damage it can do. That is good information to share as long as it is not directed at me specifically. The teacher in me believes in educating others so I welcome the sharing of information when it is done respectfully.

Oooh! You're a teacher!!!! Nice to meet a fellow chicken-loving' teacher. I LOVE my Easter Egger mutts, too. One lays green eggs, and one lays pale tan/almost pink eggs that look and feel like fine porcelain. Beautiful!

Welcome aboard! PM me and we can talk shop...teacher shop, that is. Fascinating to teachers that is, but outsiders just don't get it.


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