Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

Goat Update

As I thought might happen, the bigger doeling died. The little one is doing fine so far. I gave her some more milk/colostrum this morning even though I "think" she is nursing (if she isn't, she would have died too I think) just to be on the safe side. She is small but alert, and very vocal. I'll be in and out a lot today.

Feeling much more positive!

Positive is excellent, yay for vocal !!!
For girls not loving their boxes, golf balls!! Works great for some of my stubborn first timers! That and as mentioned before, lock up for morning. Should do the trick

Posted this elsewhere, but no response. So I'll pick your minds during lunch breaks!!!

So, I've been thinking of Sand, or sand mix as during the winter, I had someone helping out with the coop cleaning (I was kinda in the hospital and laid up for a while
They stripped down way too much earth.. which since it's next to the house.. doubled the problems as there was less earth absorbing water, and before it went down.. into my basement of course

I'm thinking sand would be too porous that close to the house by itself.. help??!! lol
Success! I woke up, ran outside to take a headcount and all birds & bits survived raccoon visit night #1.
Sigh... This could be a loooooonnnnng summer.
Then my DBF told his mother how many chickens I have, apparently he forgot a few (20+ of them), and as I did the math in my head I realized my flock has sextupled since December.
I'm playing the "adult chicken" card if A.C. shows up at my door, then pointing fingers at the 4billion feral cats in the neighborhood and running inside. lol... "Look a feral cat!!!"

FWJ & SarahKatie - Thank you, I love productive days! Now if I could get a week straight of them, I think my whole mini-farm would be set up.

Quote: I quoted this before I read the rest of the posts. I'm sorry about the little boy. I also was going to offer to bottle feed one for you if all 3 were too much for you to handle. I do have a bucket with a nipple attached, if she doesn't let them nurse, but will allow you to milk her, you could fill the bucket and it hangs on the stall. Our babies last year used it and it worked pretty well. I could meet you somewhere, if you would like to give it a try.
Quote: I had to herd mine in for the first few days. They have it all figured out now, and go in as soon as it is beyond dusk, but not quite dark. My problem now, is that Sirius the roo, goes to sleep right in the doorway, like he is guarding the flock. When I wake him to close the door, he gets quite grumbly. Silly bird.
You have goats too!?! Oh man! Can I just couch surf with all of you? I need little farm animals in my life... except then I'd have to turn my car into a mobile coop again. hehe!

If anyone ever needs an at home "pet/flock/herd" sitter, let me know!
All I ask is you show me how you like things done before you take off.

*I wrote this 4 hours ago! WTHeck happened??*
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So how many days on calls? I'm very confused I've read 28 days and 26 for calla. No one gas hatched yet have only heard a couple internal pecks.
Don't know what to tell you, I raised Pastel and Whites for about 5 years each and they hatched at 28 days, same as my Runners, my Appleyards, and the Campbells. I suppose it could be certain strains are different hatch times, I've heard of weirder things being genetic (I know a line of bantam Blue Red Old English that hatched at 19 days on a regular basis).
Quote: This is an older one, so it has no safety net and the spring cover has been gone for years. It is sturdy as all heck though, and huge. I might see about ordering the spring cover, since the boys are pretty crazy and I want grandchildren.
When we moved to this house, there were built in loft beds in the boys' room. DH wanted to take one down, because he was worried about the little one as he was 3 at the time. I put my foot down. I liked the beds and their room is small, so it gave them each a space of their own. Isaac has a small loveseat under his, with a little tv and his gamecube. Logan has a 60 year old kids' rocking chair, with a crate of books and a tv with a gamecube. It kills me how over-protective the men can be.

Ya' have to teach the men to stop having their own mother's fears from playing over and over in their minds. As we set up our Craig's List bunk bed, my husband stopped for a moment, looked at me and said "You do know that my mother is rolling over in her grave, right?" I just quietly told him the kids will be fine and we would teach them how to be safe. We've only had one incident (that I know of) of a child doing something crazy. And that child would, of course, be my daughter. When the Olympics were going on, she decided to do a somersault off the top bunk...
... because she was an Olympic gymnast. We told her if she ever pulled that stunt again, she would be an ex-gymnast.
Goat Update

As I thought might happen, the bigger doeling died. The little one is doing fine so far. I gave her some more milk/colostrum this morning even though I "think" she is nursing (if she isn't, she would have died too I think) just to be on the safe side. She is small but alert, and very vocal. I'll be in and out a lot today.

Feeling much more positive!
Maybe with the other doe as an example she (mom) will be happier.
Each time another child/person gets onto the trampoline the chance for injury increases exponentially.
92,000 ER visits for children each year are for trampoline injuries.
A majority of the injuries occur when the body hits the mat, not from falling off.
The worst injuries on a trampoline are head, neck, and spine injuries. Think Whip Lash.

This is an excellent article on tramp. safety.

Please Play Safely
For girls not loving their boxes, golf balls!! Works great for some of my stubborn first timers! That and as mentioned before, lock up for morning. Should do the trick

Posted this elsewhere, but no response. So I'll pick your minds during lunch breaks!!!

So, I've been thinking of Sand, or sand mix as during the winter, I had someone helping out with the coop cleaning (I was kinda in the hospital and laid up for a while
They stripped down way too much earth.. which since it's next to the house.. doubled the problems as there was less earth absorbing water, and before it went down.. into my basement of course

I'm thinking sand would be too porous that close to the house by itself.. help??!! lol

Lay down perforated drain tile and have it extend to a big hole (is that called a dry well, I can't think). But don't fill it in with rocks. I'll find the post that gives excellent information and post that later. It explains exactly why to use whatever it is they recommended. Stay tuned.
Oh... I did this around my pen and I'm really glad I did because I was having major water problems in the winter, too.

Here's the post that explains in detail what type of sand or gravel works depending on the situation. Very fact filled.
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Each time another child/person gets onto the trampoline the chance for injury increases exponentially.
92,000 ER visits for children each year are for trampoline injuries.
A majority of the injuries occur when the body hits the mat, not from falling off.
The worst injuries on a trampoline are head, neck, and spine injuries. Think Whip Lash.

This is an excellent article on tramp. safety.

Please Play Safely

Believe me - after campaigning for 7 years to get one, there will be some very strict rules associated with it. The multiple child jumping on the trampoline thing won't be happening. When my youngest had in-home therapists, we were told by the Autism center to get one. DH opted for a bounce house instead. When that thing is set up, no more than 2 kids are allowed to be on it at a time. My kids have gotten pretty good at taking turns. When they go to friend's houses, they'll even come in and whisper to me "Mom... they have (instert # here) kids on that trampoline at the same time" and I just remind them they know what our rules are and they will play by our rules.

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