Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

Can I just say that Blackie is the sweetest little girl! And my husband is amazing with his gentle handling of the girls. Her comb is super glued and DH is snuggling with his shoulder buddy right now! :)

THANK YOU for your help!

I could use some not so emergent assistance with my splayed legged chick. 1. Am I smothering? 2. The brace I put on yesterday only made the chick stand funny, now it looks as though the leg splays out further :-( now the brace I put on her just trips her up & she falls & throws both legs back. The only time I can get her calm is by holding it. Poor dear is shaking. The only mobility she seems to have is backwards or tumbling.


Can you put her in a tiny teacup chicken chair? Let me see if I can find a link...
Over-did today, even though I sat down and rested for a couple of hours this afternoon. Need a couple more hours to finish the Tower of Solitude rehab, mostly cutting a couple more perches and setting up the waterer and laying box.

I hate working in the wind.

Oh, and: the full-of-eggs incubator has been temperature-stable for about seven hours now- it took two hours to come back to optimal temperature, and has been perking along with less than a degree of fluctuation all day. YAY!
I think there's trouble brewing. George wandered over to the quarantine pen and was grazing right next to it. Miss Buff inflated, stalked over and attacked her through the chainlink. Now George's comb has a wound. I just hope that she doesn't attack everyone who goes near her when they're in with the girls.
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I think there's trouble brewing. George wandered over to the quarantine pen and was grazing right next to it. Miss Buff inflated, stalked over and attacked her through the chainlink. Now George's comb has a wound. I just hope that she doesn't attack everyone who goes near her when they're in with the girls.

Oh, I'm sorry.

If it's a bad wound - it looks like super glue works wonders!

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