Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps


I stopped by BGMatt's place after the show a few weekends ago. He's got a super neat setup. He asked me, "what do you raise." My response?

I have mostly hatchery junk. They are my junk so I like them -- but I certainly understand that they are junk.

Now .. where I come from -- junk and garbage are synonyms.

Matt is a nice guy. I think that many of you are over-reacting. Matt made NO comments about any person - only birds.

I think we could learn a lot from a person with as much knowledge as Matt has.

Be nice people. Be nice.
Well said!!!
Thanks for kind words about set up. It's not much yet but someday it will be something to be proud of again. It was nice to meet you and thank you for tips on coops. Hopefully next ones will be put together better! We're all always learning in this great hobby of ours.

I always have an open coop policy if anyone is ever in the area and wants to drop by, I love talking chicken.
Thanks I may have to take you up on that offer and head south, may be do some Rustlin of my own.
I feed my chicks chick starter until they are ready to go in with the flock. Then they get to learn to eat flock raiser like all the big chickens. Also The protein in flock is 21% verses 16 for layer.
Sounds like I need to try this! Thanks CR
just wondering how you know your rock had heart issues?? want to mix your colors with the fewest hens ?? get sexlinks (for brown) and California whites or white leghorns (white)

And DON"T listen to what CR and VF have to say about white eggs!!!
they are jealous
they probably have several white layers and just won't admit it
don't tell him but I've got some cookin right now and they're gonna have MOHAWKS
Hey Chicken Rustler! I'm in Ethel too! Just joined earlier this week.
Keep your location secret from some of us round here would be a good thing! now you need to go get some white eggs and hide them around your place to keep the Rustlin to a minimum. Oh and

Happy Birthday Kim(KMHunter)
[quote name="robj"
Thanks I may have to take you up on that offer and head south, may be do some Rustlin of my own.


Every visitor gets a free Polish! *While supplies last, must like white eggs
I know your Blackie is doing better, I am just curious, what about the egg membranes? I thought the inner layer on the egg shell was a good blood stopper? Would it not work so well for chickens because they don't have skin like us?

I've never heard of that. Can people use egg membranes to stop blood? That would be pretty nice - considering we chicken people seem to have a steady supply.

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