Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

I hear ya! Drama's feet feathers are OK - but, being white, they are always muddy looking. I don't even think washing them would clean them. They appear to be permanently stained a light shade of brown.
I have a little white frizzle cochin. His poor little legs are constantly dirty. I don't think I thought that through very well, living on the west side of the mountain and all.

Me neither. Well, to be honest, Drama was a last minute choice. The gal at Reber said Brahma's were cool looking birds - so, knowing nothing, she went home with me. I didn't know she was going to have feathers on her feet when I bought her.

But then - what can I say - I now have Blackie - who's growing feathers on her feet, too. Still learning after a year of experience. Blackie and Snow came from eggs from the same breeder. Blackie has a face muff and feathers on her feet. Snow has a clean face - and I'm not sure about feathers on the feet without going out there and looking at her, and I don't want Blackie to get riled back up when she sees me. Goes to show ya - you never know what you're going to get.
this ones around 8 weeks old, do ya think it's boy or girl? It was pink and yellow until last week then it turned red.

side view of the one in question. i think the two browns and barred are male as well :( annnnnd thank you! :)
yeah it is so hard to tell! drives me crazy hahaha! wish they would start laying or crowing so i'd know for sure :D I'm a noob hehe brown ones are around 6 weeks and the others are 8 weeks
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I am an artist. My mediums are painting, oil my favorite medium. Photography, I use Nikon D80. Wish I could get the new ones! Computer Graphics, Love to paint on the computer. Such instant gratification. Boy, the new PhotoShop and Illustrator sure are advanced and with DreamWeaver being swallowed by them. Need to get upgraded as it has been a few years since I was actively involved in it. I am also a genealogy nut. Started long before computers and LOVE the advances in in history being preserved. Have been active in helping with that. Gardening has always been in my genes. I was brought up by rock hound parents so I have a love for all things pretty. I have always had animals, from the stickel back minnow I had on my window sill as a kid to the Horn Toads I tormented my parents with. I don't think there is a time in my life when I didn't have fur on my cloths from a pet. I can't imagine life without animals.

You and I have similar interests. In college, I majored in Illustration and Photography. I've owned Canons - Nikons were too expensive when I got into Photography. I haven't done much with photography since the digital age - have never been able to afford the camera. I loved working in the dark room though. I worked as a Computer Graphics Illustrator and 3D Illustrator at Boeing for 10 years. I went to Microsoft and worked as a 3D CG artist on Microsoft Flight Sim and Combat Flight Sim for a year. I quit 7 days before my oldest son was born. He had breathing issues as a baby, and had to be on a breathing monitor for 2 months, so I became a stay-at-home mom instead of going back as planned. I love Photoshop and Illustrator. I have very old versions though.

I've researched my family and my husband's families genealogy back about 7-8 generations. My husband's family has a more interesting genealogy than mine. My family is pretty boring. My husband is a 4th generation descendent of Michael T. Simmons (on his dad's side), Catherine Troutman Broshears, Doc Maynard's 2nd wife, is his 4th great aunt and has been "credited" (accused) of bringing dandelions to this area and his grandfather on his mom's side was served in the Washington state House and Senate for - gosh, I think 40-some years. Jackson Avenue, near the Tacoma Narrows bridge is named after my husband's grandpa. He was instrumental in getting the bridge replaced after the Galloping Girdy incident. Needless to say, our kids and I have had to watch the Galloping Girdy videos hundreds of times! And You Tube provides plenty of opportunities to have to watch it over, and over, and over again.

Galloping Girdy:

I love gardening. Wish I had more time for it - kid's activities take up most of my time. I know when they are grown, I will have plenty of time to create the perfect garden space.
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SO how does that work Ron. You DON'T want chicks this year but yer putting some under these broody ?????
How does that work ???
LOL that's a good question CR
I might keep some chicks towards the end of summer. I want a few more sexlinks. I have to go over sea's for two weeks probably at the end of next month and I don't want a bunch of chicks that the DD will have to take care of. any chicks I have before say Aug. or Sept. I will Give a way. I will offer them to people on here first. Here is a list of what Monroe will have on 4/12. I will pick from this list and put two under each hen.
White leghorns, BR, RIR & RIW, gold sexlinks, speckled Sussex

So if ya want to rustle up any of these CR (or anyone) let me know
I've got a girl who keeps getting her toe either cut or scrapped. It appears to me to be the same toe each time. I've found her with a bloody toe 3 times now (maybe once a week for the last 3 weeks?) She doesn't seem to mind, I wipe it off and it seems to stop bleeding very quickly. But I wonder how it happens, and why the same toe each time. Besides installing a chicken-cam, should I do anything for the toe to prevent it? or help it heal longer? Should I attempt a band-aid?
Quote: Thanks for the offer buddy BUT I am about chicked out. See I am building a coop / run for those silly fluffy flightless chickens. Amazing how it is. See about a year ago I tried to help somebody get silkies. And now she has revenged me with 4
. I brought home 10 chicks, and 2 pullets from Vancouver and 2 roosters from the swap. Hey speaking of has anybody heard from Travis??? I hope he is OK. He promised his DW he wouldn't bring any birds home from the swap. I think he ended up with a few more than zero.
I offered to deliver them.

That way he couldn't get in trouble for bringing them home. He didn't say he wouldn't buy any.
Well, I made the decision this morning to feed the chicklets some left over spaghetti from last night. I added some ramen noodles, to be sure that there would be enough that everybody gets some. I was in no way prepared for the hilarious mayhem that ensued.
I put some of the sauce in with the pasta, to add variety. My white chicks all look like they just came home from war. They have pretty much become a lovely orange-red color. The messiest one is (of course) the one that I am taking up to Farmin Momma tomorrow. He looks exactly how my 5 yo looks after spaghetti night. I guess boys are boys, regardless of species. I tried to get pics, but the sun is just in the right spot that you can't see their sgetti faces. That was the most fun I have had with them yet. I may bring the little man in and try to clean him up a bit before tomorrow. My little frizzle is the next messiest, he may get cleaned up too. The bigger girls seem to mainly have messy faces, but the bigger ones drag the noodles right over the little ones when they take off with their prizes.

Good times. However, I definitely need to hurry and get their run expanded if I am going to continue with these kinds of treats. They run around like a bunch of banshees.

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