Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

Does your HOA not allow chickens?  Welcome :)

The cc&r's state " no animals or reptiles permited other than dogs, cats and indoor household pets". Then there's another rules document that states any pet delayed a nuisance by the board is not permitted.

If the chickens aren't loud or smelly then my neighbors probably won't mind, but it's hard to say. I have over a dozen neighbors who back up towards my lot and most of them can see my backyard (from a second story window anyway)

I'd love to move to a house on a few acres, but that's not in the cards for us for a few more years. I probably should have just waited, but I was at reber ranch for something unrelated and I couldnt help myself- the chicks were too cute!
The cc&r's state " no animals or reptiles permited other than dogs, cats and indoor household pets". Then there's another rules document that states any pet delayed a nuisance by the board is not permitted.

If the chickens aren't loud or smelly then my neighbors probably won't mind, but it's hard to say. I have over a dozen neighbors who back up towards my lot and most of them can see my backyard (from a second story window anyway)

I'd love to move to a house on a few acres, but that's not in the cards for us for a few more years. I probably should have just waited, but I was at reber ranch for something unrelated and I couldnt help myself- the chicks were too cute!

Good Morning and Welcome!

Those are adorable little chicks, I can see why you're all having fun. They grow SO fast, in a couple of weeks you'll hardly know they were tiny little balls of fluff.

With such strict rules it sounds like you may be in for a bumpy ride. The best advice I could offer would be to make their home so totally adorable and "integrated" that it becomes a novelty that everyone just absolutely LOVES. Keep their home spotlessly clean so there are no odors. That's not hard. For the past 2 years I've had 3 chickens and it takes just a few minutes a day to clean. I dump all the waste into a trash can. I add dried leaves too and by the time it's full I have good compost to add to my garden.

Have you planned your coop yet? You'll find fabulous ideas in the coop section. Beware that you will be spending a fair amount to do this "right", i.e. making it safe and pretty. And you only have a few weeks before they're ready for the great outdoors.

Enjoy and keep us posted.
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Hi guys, some pics from yesterday:

HOT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pearl free ranging on the cabin Porch !

Blue Copper Boy is getting big & purty !

Crele Marans cross boy is getting even purty-er......

OK for now...and I have to go get back to work.
Keeps me out of trouble............................................................LOL !!!
Hi guys, some pics from yesterday:

HOT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pearl free ranging on the cabin Porch !

Blue Copper Boy is getting big & purty !

Crele Marans cross boy is getting even purty-er......

OK for now...and I have to go get back to work.
Keeps me out of trouble............................................................LOL !!!
Wow! looking more an more like a real home every time we see it! I bet that paint dried very quickly at those temps. You were hotter than we were! That Crele Marans is lovely. Were the chooks sweltering?
Hi guys, some pics from yesterday:

HOT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pearl free ranging on the cabin Porch !

Crele Marans cross boy is getting even purty-er......

OK for now...and I have to go get back to work.
Keeps me out of trouble............................................................LOL !!!

The house is looking good!

Pearl there is thinking "of course I'm on the porch in the shade. I can read that thermometer"
Has anyone ever lost baby birds to crows? We don't have too many predators and I am mainly concerned about cats but there was a crow in the pen where I am beginning to let the chicks out. They are almost fully feathered so they won't need heat much longer (in this heat they have plenty of heat from the sun) and they are a bit big for a crow to grab but now I am concerned about my ducklings hatching out in the yard. I may have to lock up the ducks and ducklings in the safe pens, which are no longer covered since I took the panels off to fence my garden.

I can put something lighter over the top but the fence panels are only 4' high so it is awkward to get in and move around in them when they are covered so I probably just need something temporary. I use a pool ladder as a sty to get in and out because I don't want to cut the heavy panels to make gates. I just put smaller wire around the bottom to keep bunnies and ducklings in (these were originally built as rabbit runs for adult rabbits) but I don't want to compromise the safety of my baby birds from above if the crows will pose a threat so I might need to wire the top.

The three pens are side by side and measure 12' x 3' each for a total space of 12' x 12' when the access doors are open between the pens. I did not need to use posts the way it is constructed because the panels are rigid (I used them for goats in the past because goats like to climb on wire fences). Maybe I can find some netting that will keep the crows from flying down into the pens. The pens are sturdy enough to keep out dogs but without the top panels they are not as safe as I originally built them to be. The ducks spend most of their time in the yard so the pens are being converted for chickens now.
Just a picture to share today. Took my life in my hands to take this (almost literally, the Gander is NOT happy I'm within 100' of them these days.

Just the one gosling so far, but she says she's not done sitting, and I'm not going to argue with her. I value my appendages too much for that.
Just a picture to share today. Took my life in my hands to take this (almost literally, the Gander is NOT happy I'm within 100' of them these days.

Just the one gosling so far, but she says she's not done sitting, and I'm not going to argue with her. I value my appendages too much for that.
Oh so cute! Look at that tiny little gosling!
Very adorable!

Chickielady - great job on the house! It's beautiful!

Duck Drover, while I have not lost any chicks to crows, I do know it can happen during the first couple weeks! Especially if there is not a broody hen in the mix.

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