Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

Hi guys, some pics from yesterday: HOT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pearl free ranging on the cabin Porch ! Blue Copper Boy is getting big & purty ! Crele Marans cross boy is getting even purty-er...... OK for now...and I have to go get back to work. Keeps me out of trouble............................................................LOL !!!
Wow, that's looking great! I'm trying to get set up for new chickies here, with the slight complication that I have ALSO to get set up to be away from the house twice this week, a trip to SAM for the old masters show, and down to Portland to find shoes for the wedding et'c and so on. And also the complication that the work is outside, where it is hot, and where I am not supposed to go due to problems resulting from heat stroke, which damaged my body-temp regulating mechanisms. Or something. All I know is that one of the first things new doctors tell me after reading my files is to avoid overheating.
Wow! looking more an more like a real home every time we see it! I bet that paint dried very quickly at those temps. You were hotter than we were! That Crele Marans is lovely. Were the chooks sweltering?
Paint dried pretty fast, even in the sprayer tub.....
Einstein went up the stairs inside to bring the guys paint on the scaffold, handing the gallons out the window, and he dropped 1, and it bouced all the way down every one of 10 of the 14 stairs, then the lid popped off...WHAT A MESS !!!!!!!!!!!!

Chooks had their wings drooping & were panting...but they made it OK.
Has anyone ever lost baby birds to crows? We don't have too many predators and I am mainly concerned about cats but there was a crow in the pen where I am beginning to let the chicks out. They are almost fully feathered so they won't need heat much longer (in this heat they have plenty of heat from the sun) and they are a bit big for a crow to grab but now I am concerned about my ducklings hatching out in the yard. I may have to lock up the ducks and ducklings in the safe pens, which are no longer covered since I took the panels off to fence my garden.

I can put something lighter over the top but the fence panels are only 4' high so it is awkward to get in and move around in them when they are covered so I probably just need something temporary. I use a pool ladder as a sty to get in and out because I don't want to cut the heavy panels to make gates. I just put smaller wire around the bottom to keep bunnies and ducklings in (these were originally built as rabbit runs for adult rabbits) but I don't want to compromise the safety of my baby birds from above if the crows will pose a threat so I might need to wire the top.

The three pens are side by side and measure 12' x 3' each for a total space of 12' x 12' when the access doors are open between the pens. I did not need to use posts the way it is constructed because the panels are rigid (I used them for goats in the past because goats like to climb on wire fences). Maybe I can find some netting that will keep the crows from flying down into the pens. The pens are sturdy enough to keep out dogs but without the top panels they are not as safe as I originally built them to be. The ducks spend most of their time in the yard so the pens are being converted for chickens now.
Ask TotalColour about babies & the crows !!!!!!!!
Hot today too !!!!!!!!!

Like all my Googaly stuff on the cabin porch ??????????
And you all know who made the rooster welcome sign I LOVE !!!
Get more compliments on it !
The little window (open) on the far right is the hatching room, and the big Sportsman incubator is right smack dab inside that window...it was HOT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We have an on shore breeze now...so it has really cooled off, thankfully !
More pics I forgot to post that SF & Haller will like~~~~~~~~

Very early this year !
Too early...the slugs were after them and the rain & wind knocked alot over.....don't they look like awesome grape popsickles ?????????
They smell so good........not like grape candy like you'd think though !
So i found a new feed store that was recommended to me from a lady i bought a few pullets from. They sell a local feed X Cel out of Tacoma. I'm googling and i am not finding any info on them. Does anyone have any good or bad reports on them? I know the cashier was trying to hard sell the layena Purina brand feed on me, saying it was plant based, better proteins than the Xcel brand. i did buy a bag, then when entering the storage saw the huge bags asked the other guy that was there how much they were i was shocked at the price difference and how huge the bag was. 80lbs for 26 the Layena was 20 for 50lbs. He then gave me brief info, just that it was out of tacoma, its more bang for your buck. So i have both bags :) I do like the idea of supporting local business instead of big box Purina. Other than that i have no reason to not buy Xcel? Any info would be appreciated
Here's the video with the eagles. The dad brings mom a fish and even covers the eggs while she is eating!

Phew, internet back up, and work finished for the day. Simple amazing to watch them trade off sitting. They both do the cute "sit and wiggle" thing too. I
bald eagles. I love their voices. If you live in or visit an area that is thick with them, you get to hear some cool sounds. Not the standard eagle call you hear on westerns - it's completely different. Nice video - thanks for finding it.
More pics I forgot to post that SF & Haller will like~~~~~~~~

Very early this year !
Too early...the slugs were after them and the rain & wind knocked alot over.....don't they look like awesome grape popsickles ?????????
They smell so good........not like grape candy like you'd think though !
I'm an Iris fan(
) too! My older family members always called them flags. I bought some new ones last fall from Schneider's, am anxiously awaiting blooms.

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