Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

Hey Guys, I am a new member. I live in downtown Puyallup. I was directed here from the new meber forum. I joined because we are looking at starting our own chicken coop. I was hoping to find someone local who might be willing to show me there set up and/or maybe come take a look at what I have to work with and bounce my thoughts off of. I want to make sure that I get set up correctly and preferably learn from someone else's mistakes/experience. Any help would be much appreciated!!!

1st make SURE you can have chickens and if roosters are allowed. You will also need to know HOW MANY chickens you can have for the size of the backyard where you are going to raise them.
Once you have that info you can determine which breed/s you want to raise. (all the eggs are the same, just differ in color and size) You can research chicken breeds here on BYC which offers good info.
Once you have all that info, then it's time to plan the coop.
4 sq ft per bird in the coop if they are confined is a rule of thumb. Less if they have access to an outdoor run.
You must have very good ventilation in the coop.
checked my auto brooder (broody hen) no chicks yet.
i had eggs that were all layed on the same day yet hatched at differant times
I have been using the X-Cel feed for over 6 months with no ill effects. My flock of 15 chickens are happy, healthy and eating the feed heartily. Can't beat the price, plus X-Cel is just 5 minutes from my home!

Thanks for all the replies. I am using the layena first then moving onto the Xcel bag i have. I will let you know how it goes.
I had a fun surprise today.... besides getting my new little Swedish Flower Hen pullet.... I was in the run with my everyone except the newbie, trying to pet the littles. The little Am. started pecking the button on my back pocket, then moved around to my knee. She just kept pecking at my knee (I was kneeling). Then she just jumped up onto my knee. What a Shock! She usually hates being caught, and now all of a sudden she's taking the lead and hopping up all on her own! SaWEET!

Now I just need to make friends with the newbie.

All in all a very good day! Got to meet the famous Fudge, too!
Hey Guys, I am a new member. I live in downtown Puyallup. I was directed here from the new meber forum. I joined because we are looking at starting our own chicken coop. I was hoping to find someone local who might be willing to show me there set up and/or maybe come take a look at what I have to work with and bounce my thoughts off of. I want to make sure that I get set up correctly and preferably learn from someone else's mistakes/experience. Any help would be much appreciated!!!

Peter!!!! I'm down south from you in Olympia there is peeps on here close but posting is at an all time low I'm sure they'll be around soon. Those of us that are on would be more than happy to help with any questions either on here or PM.
Hello from Maple Valley (SE King county)! I just purchased three chicks from the feed supply yesterday and my kids and I are having fun taking care of our little chickies. I'm a little nervous about my long term chicken keeping prospects as I live in a strict HOA community. Additionally, my lot is very small (I think around 4,500sq ft) and we have numerous neighbors in close proximity. I'm concerned the chickens might be too loud. We shall see, but for now we are enjoying our chicks. Here are our babies

Very Cute! Be ready they grow fast but are a blast to have around!
Hi guys, some pics from yesterday:

HOT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pearl free ranging on the cabin Porch !

Blue Copper Boy is getting big & purty !

Crele Marans cross boy is getting even purty-er......

OK for now...and I have to go get back to work.
Keeps me out of trouble............................................................LOL !!!
The house is looking good!!! Does that Crele Roo have any girls by his side? I may have to need me some of them!!!! GEEEZZ they have me talkin all goofey!!!!
Just a picture to share today. Took my life in my hands to take this (almost literally, the Gander is NOT happy I'm within 100' of them these days.

Just the one gosling so far, but she says she's not done sitting, and I'm not going to argue with her. I value my appendages too much for that.
That Dude is like it can honk like a NYC Cab driver during rush hour!

I live on Bishop road in Chehalis. My name is Susie.
Welcome Susie!!!

checked my auto brooder (broody hen) no chicks yet.
21 Days BE PATIENT MY FRIEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I had a fun surprise today.... besides getting my new little Swedish Flower Hen pullet.... I was in the run with my everyone except the newbie, trying to pet the littles. The little Am. started pecking the button on my back pocket, then moved around to my knee. She just kept pecking at my knee (I was kneeling). Then she just jumped up onto my knee. What a Shock! She usually hates being caught, and now all of a sudden she's taking the lead and hopping up all on her own! SaWEET!

Now I just need to make friends with the newbie.

All in all a very good day! Got to meet the famous Fudge, too!
Very SaWEET!!! I like the pics of your new one she's very Purdy!!!!!Tucker the dog introducde himself the one of the BLRW littles today but DD Kayla came to the rescue!
I had a fun surprise today.... besides getting my new little Swedish Flower Hen pullet.... I was in the run with my everyone except the newbie, trying to pet the littles. The little Am. started pecking the button on my back pocket, then moved around to my knee. She just kept pecking at my knee (I was kneeling). Then she just jumped up onto my knee. What a Shock! She usually hates being caught, and now all of a sudden she's taking the lead and hopping up all on her own! SaWEET!

Now I just need to make friends with the newbie.

All in all a very good day! Got to meet the famous Fudge, too!
Show a pic of your SFH!

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