Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

My Golden Laced Orpington eggs came from the UK today and only one was cracked and that one was the only one that looked like the air cell had detached. I hope these hatch!!

On another note: I am going to be placing an order with Ideal soon and I'm not purchasing enough so there will be extra males in the box. Will anyone want them for free??? PM me if that sounds like something you're interested in.
Hope these didn't actually get mailed from the UK, because that is illegal.
Getting really frustrated, we wrote this Grant guy, on April 21, and then again on the 25th asking if he had received our email, asking to reclassify chickens as pets so that we could have chickens in Yelm city limits. My husband as called his office number NUMEROUS times, and we can get this guy to respond or answer his phone. I'm really upset by what seems to be this mans work ethics!
Ooops, sorry about that! Jeanine (cloverleaf) picked her up from the breeder and sent me this pic. Some SFHs have a crest, some don't. This one will not. Her name is Peanut and she's about 9-10 weeks old so will fit right in with my Blue Wheaten Ameraucna and GSL. She let us pick her up quite easily last night, and this morning I was able to pet her. She hasn't come out of her coop yet, I think she had a rough day yesterday and is just taking it easy. I would too!

She is so pretty looks like carmel candy!
My Chick's came today!! I ordered the from mypetchicken.com, and went with the assortments. I got 5 "Brown Egg Layer's" and 3 "assorted Silkie's" I can't wait until they grow up enough that I know what they are! I know two of the Silikes are buff, but the third I "think" is going to be white. Not sure.

This is one of the buff silkie babies.

Now we just gotta finish their coop!!! Good thing the weather has been so great.
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Has anyone ever lost baby birds to crows? We don't have too many predators and I am mainly concerned about cats but there was a crow in the pen where I am beginning to let the chicks out. They are almost fully feathered so they won't need heat much longer (in this heat they have plenty of heat from the sun) and they are a bit big for a crow to grab but now I am concerned about my ducklings hatching out in the yard. I may have to lock up the ducks and ducklings in the safe pens, which are no longer covered since I took the panels off to fence my garden.

I can put something lighter over the top but the fence panels are only 4' high so it is awkward to get in and move around in them when they are covered so I probably just need something temporary. I use a pool ladder as a sty to get in and out because I don't want to cut the heavy panels to make gates. I just put smaller wire around the bottom to keep bunnies and ducklings in (these were originally built as rabbit runs for adult rabbits) but I don't want to compromise the safety of my baby birds from above if the crows will pose a threat so I might need to wire the top.

The three pens are side by side and measure 12' x 3' each for a total space of 12' x 12' when the access doors are open between the pens. I did not need to use posts the way it is constructed because the panels are rigid (I used them for goats in the past because goats like to climb on wire fences). Maybe I can find some netting that will keep the crows from flying down into the pens. The pens are sturdy enough to keep out dogs but without the top panels they are not as safe as I originally built them to be. The ducks spend most of their time in the yard so the pens are being converted for chickens now.
The crow was proabably stealing feed, but I wouldn't trust them with little chicks or ducklings
More pics I forgot to post that SF & Haller will like~~~~~~~~

Very early this year !
Too early...the slugs were after them and the rain & wind knocked alot over.....don't they look like awesome grape popsickles ?????????
They smell so good........not like grape candy like you'd think though !
Veru pretty! You're definitely ahaead of me, but almost everyone is. Cold microclimate.
More pics I forgot to post that SF & Haller will like~~~~~~~~

Very early this year !
Too early...the slugs were after them and the rain & wind knocked alot over.....don't they look like awesome grape popsickles ?????????
They smell so good........not like grape candy like you'd think though !
Veru pretty! You're definitely ahaead of me, but almost everyone is. Cold microclimate.
Hey Guys, I am a new member. I live in downtown Puyallup. I was directed here from the new meber forum. I joined because we are looking at starting our own chicken coop. I was hoping to find someone local who might be willing to show me there set up and/or maybe come take a look at what I have to work with and bounce my thoughts off of. I want to make sure that I get set up correctly and preferably learn from someone else's mistakes/experience. Any help would be much appreciated!!!

Make sure it is easy to clean. Make sure you can clean it standing up. If it isn't easy to clean, you won't clean as often.

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