Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

Would anyone be interested in Welsummer or Easter Egger hatching eggs? I have a surplus and have put the incubators away for a bit. Let me know!! :)

Update - another JG hatched
Fav egg is zipping..
Still no pics but update on hatch:

3 BBS Jgs hatched - 3 more pipped

2 Favs hatched - 2 more pipped

2 AMs pipped

0 for 0 on the SPR
Would anyone be interested in Welsummer or Easter Egger hatching eggs? I have a surplus and have put the incubators away for a bit. Let me know!! :)

I wish you were closer to Tacoma. I'd love more eggs to hatch my current ones in the incubator are 2 days late and i don' tsee any signs of hatching :( My incubator got unplugged first day of lockdown by accident (not sure how).
Would anyone be interested in Welsummer or Easter Egger hatching eggs? I have a surplus and have put the incubators away for a bit. Let me know!! :)

I would love to hatch some Easter Eggers since I have hens without a rooster and my eggs are fertile but Orpington crosses that are only good for eating or test hatches for someone starting out a new incubator. Mine have been up and running long enough that I only hatch eggs worth hatching. I have a fan to convert one of my duck incubators into a chicken incubator (still air works best for ducks and forced air for chickens) but I am getting alot of duck eggs right now. I have a top that needs a new bottom but since I use an incubator as a dryer and early brooder to keep some of the mess off eggs hatching in the hatching incubator, I am thinking about having my husband build a wood bottom instead of replacing the styrofoam bottom. If Del's has an incubator sale again this year, I may invest in some more incubators once I have ducklings to sell.

Here is my first duckling of the season. The food dish is a milk jug lid from a Costco milk jug.
I wish you were closer to Tacoma. I'd love more eggs to hatch my current ones in the incubator are 2 days late and i don' tsee any signs of hatching :( My incubator got unplugged first day of lockdown by accident (not sure how).

I work in Federal Way so could meet you at the Rock parking lot or the Starbucks parking lot on 348th after I get off work one day if you'd like. I forgot to mention in my post that they're $1 each or a dozen for $10 and I can mix and match EE's and Welsummers eggs if you'd like. :)
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I would love to hatch some Easter Eggers since I have hens without a rooster and my eggs are fertile but Orpington crosses that are only good for eating or test hatches for someone starting out a new incubator. Mine have been up and running long enough that I only hatch eggs worth hatching. I have a fan to convert one of my duck incubators into a chicken incubator (still air works best for ducks and forced air for chickens) but I am getting alot of duck eggs right now. I have a top that needs a new bottom but since I use an incubator as a dryer and early brooder to keep some of the mess off eggs hatching in the hatching incubator, I am thinking about having my husband build a wood bottom instead of replacing the styrofoam bottom. If Del's has an incubator sale again this year, I may invest in some more incubators once I have ducklings to sell.

Here is my first duckling of the season. The food dish is a milk jug lid from a Costco milk jug.

Cute little duckling!

Just let me know if you'd like some eggs. They're a $1 each or a dozen for $10. My last hatch of my Easter Eggers had 100% fertility and 100% hatch rate even in my little Styrofoam incubator. I had some of the most uniquely colored chicks hatch from that batch. I was sad that I sold them, lol. I just have too many right now to keep. :)
Del's "americanas" -- EEs by any other name, are from Privett -- at least the local one here gets them there .. not purebreds of course, but great healthy sturdy hens that lay consistently (5 days out of the week, for mine), are smart enough to come when called, and Privett is reasonably good about sexing the "pullets" -- out of the last 7 in the bin, I did get one rooster
Del's "americanas" -- EEs by any other name, are from Privett -- at least the local one here gets them there .. not purebreds of course, but great healthy sturdy hens that lay consistently (5 days out of the week, for mine), are smart enough to come when called, and Privett is reasonably good about sexing the "pullets" -- out of the last 7 in the bin, I did get one rooster

I have three of those Del's special Americanas....cute hens, lay blue eggs and friendly...nothing fancy but a good layer. They got me started in the blue egg path of glory.....
Cute little duckling!

Just let me know if you'd like some eggs. They're a $1 each or a dozen for $10. My last hatch of my Easter Eggers had 100% fertility and 100% hatch rate even in my little Styrofoam incubator. I had some of the most uniquely colored chicks hatch from that batch. I was sad that I sold them, lol. I just have too many right now to keep. :)

I am going to be picking up some Catdance Silkie eggs this week so I better see if I have room once they are set. It looks like I need to get the fan kit installed and fire up another incubator. My husband is building me some indoor brooders in a new brooder room in our shop so I can move chicks out of the house. I moved some Orpingtons out into their new brooder today. The rest of the brooders are still under construction. This one has a divider so it can be two separate brooders but these chicks are so big they need all the space they can get.

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No way, Catdance Silkie eggs? I am so jealous!! I have hatched her Silkie eggs twice or three times over the last four years and they are the best silkies i have ever seen anywhere. I am dying to get a splash hen of hers! I had one (my profile picture) but lost her to predator. I'm hoping to get eggs from Karen later this year. I sure wish you the best with your hatch!!


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